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Chapter Four
"Do Not Disturb" - Che Ecru

— Chapter Four"Do Not Disturb" - Che Ecru

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As Angelica passed through the glass doors that were at the entrance of the journaling building, she also passed by the security guard that was on her right

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As Angelica passed through the glass doors that were at the entrance of the journaling building, she also passed by the security guard that was on her right. "Good Morning," Angelica smiled at the old man that was already staring at her, giving her a soft smile.

"Good Morning to you too, miss," the old man kindly replied. As Angelica was about to go past the man he stopped her by saying. "Pardon me, but I can't help to say that you look a lot like my daughter."

Angelica turned, "is she not here?" She wondered.

"She's all the way back home, you see, I'm from Italy." The man further explains but still has a wide smile on his face. "I plan on seeing her soon!" He is excited about getting to see his daughter.

Angelica smiled once again, "well, I wish you well on your trip." The man nodded in a thankful way and proceeded to show Angelica to the elevator doors.

As the elevator opened, Angelica said her goodbyes to the security guard and hopped inside the two sliding doors in front of her. The elevator music was in the background and she pressed the button that led her to her designated destination. The dimmed lights soft to her eyes.

Passing through all of the small cubicles, the workers seemed as stressed as ever. Rapid typing could be heard all over the floor, as well as a deep aroma of coffee. The only thing reporters seemed to be fueled on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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