Chapter 19: Puzzles and Pieces

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Everyone anxiously waited outside Auradon Prep to greet Harry, Uma, and Ulma who were coming home from the hospital. They were supposed to arrive 2 hours ago, but Uma had texted them that something had come up and they would be a bit late. "Where are they?" Freddie groaned impatiently. Mal sighed as she leaned against Ben's shoulder. "They'll be here soon." Freddie was about to make another remark when the limo came around the corner.

Everyone cheered as it came to a stop in front of the school. They had finally arrived. Harry was the first to step out of the limo. "Hello everyone." He smiled. "Sorry we're late. We had to make a couple extra stops." He moved out of the way to let the remaining people out of the limo. Everyone watched as Uma, CJ, Harriet, Melody, Michael, and four adults stepped out. Mal stepped forward as Uma brought out Ulma from her carrier. "Who are these people?"

Harry smiled as he placed a hand on the shoulder of the woman beside him. "Mal this is my mum, Jessica, and Uma's father, Aaron." She nodded. "I knew that, I was talking about them." Harry looked towards the two men she was pointing to and chuckled. "Have Anthony, Dizzy, and Carlos come here and I'll explain."

Uma took Ulma up to the dorm and the crowd dispersed as Mal brought Anthony, Dizzy, and Carlos over. "Alright Harry, start explaining." He smiled as he brought the first man forward. "This is Thomas Boulanger. He runs a small bakery in Charmington. A long time ago he fell in love with Anastasia Tremaine. They were engaged when they were sent to the Isle. When he left, they had a son."
Anthony stared at the man before him in shock. "Dad?" The man nodded, a small smile growing on his face. "Hello Anthony, you've grown so much. May I...?" He trailed off as he opened his arms wide. Anthony nodded as he accepted his father's embrace. Thomas smiled as a tear slipped from his eye. "I've waited so long for this moment. You look just like me, but with your mother's hair and eyes."

As they parted, Thomas turned to Dizzy who was standing nearby. "You must be Drizella's daughter, Dizzy. Uma and Harry told me about you. I may not be your father, but I hope a caring Uncle will be enough. You can call me Uncle Tom if you want." A big smile grew on Dizzy's face as she released a high pitch squeal before tackling him into a hug. "I have an uncle!"

The group chuckled as Dizzy led him away, chatting about Evie and accessories with Anthony close behind. Carlos looked at the man behind Harry. "Are you my father?" The man nodded. "I am. It's so good to finally..."

"Save it!" Carlos snapped, clenching his fists. "You never wanted me before! You ran when my mom told you! Why change now!? Just go back home to wherever you came from, to whatever new family you have! I don't need your pity! He took off running into the school, leaving them all shocked. His father sighed. "I was afraid Cruella might have made me look like a bad guy. I'm going after him." Everyone nodded as he took off after Carlos.
"Dog boy sure was fired up huh?" A voice commented. Harry looked up and saw Patrick hovering above them. "Pan! What do ye want?" Patrick chuckled as he landed. "Just came to see the Hook family reunited. Your mom's been waiting a long time for this day." Harry looked at the red-haired boy in confusion. "How would ye know?" Jessica placed a hand on her son's shoulder. "Because I've been living with his family on Neverland. Patrick is the one who told me you and your sisters were here."

Harry looked at Patrick with some skepticism in his eyes. "If you were here to find us, then why tease my sisters and I?" He chuckled. "Harry, I came here to help your mom. However, I'm a Pan. I have to have my fun." Jessica sighed. "All right boys that's enough. Harry, go see your girls. Patrick, be a little nicer to my children." The boys nodded. "Yes ma'am."
Carlos stormed into the R.O.A.R. arena with hatred in his eyes as he grabbed a sword and began attacking a nearby dummy. He raised his sword to unleash another assault when he felt a hand come to rest on his shoulder. Carlos whirled around only to find his father at the other end of his sword.

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