Chapter 15: The Big Sleep Part I

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Evie hummed as she took Carlos's measurements for the new suit she was making him for Ruby's upcoming coronation. Jane, Lonnie, Doug, Gil, Quinn, Harry, Uma, Gus, Tony, Ruby, Ryan, Jay, and Jordan were also there, hanging out while they waited to get their own measurements taken. "Evie are you done? My arms are tired." Carlos whined. She rolled her eyes as she wrote down the last of his measurements. "Yes Car, I'm done."

Carlos sighed in relief as he walked over and sat next to Jane. "Finally." Evie chuckled as she flipped to a clean page in her notebook. "Okay Jane, your turn." Carlos groaned as Jane got up to get her measurements taken. The girls giggled as Evie grabbed her measuring tape and wiped some sweat from her forehead. "It's really getting warm in here. Jay, could you open a window please?"

Jay nodded as he walked over and unlatched the window before pushing it open. However, as he looked out he noticed something purple in the distance. As it got closer he realized what it was and backed up from the window, pulling Lonnie with him. "Jay, what are you doing!" She fussed, trying to pull away from his grasp. "Incoming!" Jay yelled just as purple smoke filled the room. As the smoke cleared, everyone was shocked to see Mal standing in the center of the room with a bruise forming on her cheek.

"M! Oh my goodness, what happened!?" Evie asked as she examined her bruised cheek. Mal pushed her hand away as she turned to look at her friends. "Audrey has my mother's scepter and it's changed her. She's evil, well, way more evil than usual. On top of that she's holding Ben and Chad hostage. I tried to fight back but she was stronger than I thought. We need to make a plan to save Ben and protect Auradon before she puts her evil plan into action."

Everyone nodded in agreement. "We're with you Mal." Lonnie replied. She walk over to her easel and began to draw. "Here's the plan. Audrey will most likely have some sort of guards. All of you will keep them occupied, while I fly up to the dining hall window in my dragon form with Uma and Jane. Together, our magic should be strong enough to beat Audrey. Once we take her down, Ben and Auradon will be safe."

"Um, Mal? Aren't you forgetting someone?" Ruby asked. Mal sighed. "We'll save Chad too." Harry was next to step forward. "Are ye crazy? Uma is pregnant! She can't be flying on dragons and fighting evil princesses!" Uma grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. "Harry, I'll be fine. Right now we need to save Auradon so our daughter isn't born into a war zone!" He sighed, placing a hand on her stomach. "Just be careful."

"Alright, Lonnie, Jay, Gus, and Tony, gather as many swords from the R.O.A.R. Arena as you can. Evie, Doug, Carlos, and Jane, go to the chemistry lab and make smoke bombs. Gil, Harry, Uma, Quinn, Ryan, Ruby, and Jordan, gather as many people and weapons as you can, we have some royalty to dethrone."
Audrey cackled as she watched Ben struggle in his chair. "It's no use Benny boo, you're not going anywhere. All you have to do is join me and we can rule Auradon together. Just as it was always meant to be." Ben shook his head as he glared at Audrey. "I will never join you! I love Mal and if I'm going to rule by anyone's side, it would be hers!" Audrey released an enraged shriek as she waved her scepter.

The bonds and chair disappeared and in their place iron bars appeared around Ben, forming a small cell in the corner of the room. "If you won't join me, then you'll watch me take your kingdom, state-by-state! But first, I have to make sure no one will get in my way." Audrey walked out onto the balcony and held her scepter up towards the sky as she chanted:

Evil deeds once reversed,
I call upon the sleeping curse.
Those on land and in the deep,
Make sure to put them all to sleep!

The scepter emitted a bright light as green magic swirled out of the orb and into the sky in all directions. "Yes!" Audrey cackled. "It has begun!"
With their tasks given, the team began to split up when a shout stop them in their tracks. "Guys wait!" Everyone turned towards Jordan in confusion. "What is it Jordan?" Jay asked. Jordan didn't respond. She was standing with her eyes closed and hands outstretched. Jay was just about to ask again when her eyes shot open.

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