Toronaga - IV

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The whine of teleporter beams filled the bridge as a team Mostrel marines appeared in the back of the bridge and  in the corridor.  They were big, upright tigers. They all wore a bit of leather or mail armor, a belt with a dagger and fighting knives, a few wore Bolt Gloves armed bolts ready to shoot.  No helmets or boots, it impeded their movement during the hunt.  And hunting is what they loved most.

Kartarac turned and rushed the closest invader just as he finished materializing. The Mostrel took the full blow from the captain's shoulder and was rammed into the wall behind. Two other Mostrel took out the bridge guards as they turned to engage the intruders. Tierrak leapt from his console, dagger drawn. He dodged a bolt and then broke the glove bow as he crashed into the attacker. Two more bolts just missed Caralsov's head and struck the upper left portion of the view screen, rendering part of it inoperable. Caralsov shuddered. Razva ran into the corridor to join the fight.

Behind the intruders, two more guards joined the fight. One fell from bolts, but the other locked blades with one of the Mostrel. The marine was bigger and more experienced and gained control of the battle, tossing the guard into the wall. The guard was dazed and thrown off balance. The Mostrel took the advantage and pounced upon his quarry. He clobbered the guard, knocked the helmet off of him and broke the Ky's left arm. As he extended his claws, Razva crashed into him.

Kartarac rolled on the bridge floor with a marine, it growled and snapped at him as they went. Another marine fought with a Ky Guard. The Mostrel broke the guard's grip on him and cut him down with his short sword. He glanced to his right, where Caralsov sat wide-eyed and motionless. The Mostrel grinned "I'll come deal with you in a moment." He launched himself on Kartarac as he finished off the other marine. The Mostrel spun him about and kicked him in the head. Kartarac smacked into the console next to him and slumped to the deck, motionless.

Caralsov was filled with anger. He mustered all of his strength and courage. He stood up and leapt at the Mostrel. The marine noticed too late and the collision knocked him down. He recovered quickly and set into Caralsov, who fought the intruder as best he could, punching and tearing at him. But he was taking massive blows and cuts from the huge marine. The Mostrel suddenly struck with his claws. Caralsov paused, drew back, and glanced at the bleeding wound. He looked around and then attacked. The Mostrel was undaunted. "Surrender and I will make it easy on you." But this only served to enrage Caralsov. The marine clawed Caralsov again, rendering his right arm useless. With a smirk, he struck the Ky on the forehead. Caralsov collapsed to his knees and fell backwards, unconscious.

The marine turned around to continue business with a guard who had recovered. He was just standing up, readying his weapons when the marine lunged and struck the Ky's right forearm arm with his claws and knocked him to the floor. The Mostrel laughed as he threw himself upon him the wounded Ky. They rolled and tumbled on the bridge's deck as they fought: claws and knife. Then the Mostrel threw the Ky against the back of the captain's chair, he slumped to the deck, dazed. The marine picked up his opponent's weapons and tossed them contemptuously. As he prepared to finish the guard, Tierrak fell on him. A furious fight ensued, with the Mostrel quickly realizing this Ky was more than he could handle alone. And alone he was. Tierrak gave no quarter, and the Mostrel asked not for mercy.

Tierrak straightened himself, bloodied and breathless, looking around. He stooped down by the captain, still lying on the deck. Kartarac opened his eyes and winced as Tierrak roused him and helped him get onto his feet. Tierrak then took the navigator's position, maneuvering the ship around an asteroid. Kartarac whistled, "That was close."

Below Decks

A group of Mostrel marines walked silently through the lower section of the ship, looking for the emergency bridge to take over control of the ship. Few lights were on, which raised their awareness of the danger. At the corner, the leader signaled for one to go ahead. One went forward, sniffed and then peeked around the corner, then signaled the all clear. They moved forward, silently, but they did not go unnoticed.

In the emergency bridge, Retswer and a group of nine from his team lay waiting. They stood at the back in the dark and waited patiently for the whole group to enter, and they were soon rewarded. As the last Mostrel came through, the Leader gave the sign to stop. It was ten against seven. And he knew there would be more. They readied for combat, and the Ky attacked. And the battle raged in an awful and bloody manner.

Lesd, a younger Ky was engaged with the the leader of the invaders. "I have fought the likes of you before," he called to the marine. The marine said nothing, he continued taking swipes as jabs at his quarry. They locked eyes when they locked blades. "You cannot escape," the marine said. "Your ship is crippled and we are taking away your teeth." Lesd gave a smirk and broke free, then he made several attacks, but the marine blocked them all. Leds acknowledged his opponent's agility, and then attacked again, connecting with a blow to the head. The marine stepped back to recover and looked around him. Only three of his marines were left fighting. A smile crept over his face as he rushed the Lesd, swinging his weapon as he went. Lesd twisted out of the way and tripped his opponent – who crashed and slid into the bulkhead. Lesd turned and took a defensive stance. The marine stood and rushed again. He swung, but Lesd's was unable to deflect the blow and it cut through his armor into his right shoulder. It stung, but he readied for the next attack.

The marine rushed again, now with less speed. Lesd blocked the blow and twisted away again. The Mostrel spun about to attack, but Lesd struck home, piercing into his flesh in the upper left arm with both blades.

A pained look was in his eyes as he shifted his weapon, but realized he could no longer fight effectively. He looked around and saw Ky and Mostrel bodies strewn everywhere, he was the only one left from his team. Yet he chuckled and dropped his weapon. "You cannot win."

Lesd, now bleeding heavily from his own shoulder, simply narrowed his eyes and took a defensive stance again. The marine raised an eyebrow as he extrended his claws and attacked.
Lesd blocked his attack and cut him down.

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