Toronaga - III

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Captain Kartarac listened to Tierrak's report, that the reload on the drive computer system had failed to correct the problem. Now, with the ship approaching them, they could not continue any work on the drive system.

Kartarac instructed his Engineering Chief to keep power to low levels, it was possible the enemy did not know the capabilities of the Toronaga. The Captain had four cannons and the two Ram Shields charged earlier. Two additional heavy bolt cannons would have to wait until it was time to fire them. And only after the plates hiding them were blown free of the ship. His plan was to make the ship appear less capable than it truly was, practicing the art of deception that he used most often. When the Toronaga had been used as the escort vessel in convoys, she appeared to be a standard large freighter in the group. More than once, an unsuspecting pirate had bitten off more than he could chew. More than once, their cover had been blown by something as simple as not masking their power, or charging bolt cannons too late. Kartarac worked over the control panel, making sure nothing was overlooked. This time there would be no margin for error.

They kept to the asteroid field as the enemy ship approached. The Toronaga's sensors and scanners powered up and began scanning. They revealed a great deal about the approaching ship. It was a Mostrel light cruiser, with a refit. The captain mused as he looked over the incoming data. "They outgun us and can out maneuver us," he grumbled. He stopped and checked the status of the ship's systems. All systems appeared well, with exception to the drive system.


"Yes, captain?"

"Contact the patrol from the last sector. Make them aware of the situation before we are jammed."

"In progress, Captain. The Mostrel are attempting to jam us, but they are presently too far away."

"Good. And when they call for our surrender, let them eat static." The captain continued to watch the cruiser, beginning to analyze his enemy as he approached. "This asteroid field will cause our enemy some problems."

Caralsov shook his head. "Sir, how long will we stay in the field?"

"That will depend. Staying in the field will enhance our chances of survival," answered the captain.

"But it will effect our use of the ram shields, and we could take damage from the field!"

A stern Kartarac looked toward Caralsov. "It will be your responsibility to ensure we do not take such damage. You must be focused and alert. Caralsov, a great deal depends on you."

Caralsov nodded his head and continued navigating the ship through the field. So far, they only needed to dodge a few, smaller rocks, but that was changing.

"Chief," Kartarac spoke into the comm. unit.

"Aye sir?" Chakyar responded.

"Stay down in engineering for this one. I'll need every bit from you and your crew down there."

"Aye, that bad?"

Kartarac paused, "Aye."

Tierrak strode onto the bridge, followed by two security guards who took their position near the front of the bridge. Tierrak then reported to the captain of all that had occurred. "Very well," the captain began. "And you found our guests ready and knowledgeable of their duties?"

"Yes, captain. They are well versed and have some interesting experiences to boot."

"Good, take your station and - " he stopped as he finally noticed the cut in Tierrak's head and frowned.

"It happened in engineering while we were working on the system."

The captain nodded. "Get that cleaned up, quickly."

Toronaga - A Little Late  (A Sunderbans Short) Complete!Where stories live. Discover now