Wins and Losses

676 29 22

Clem's POV

"We have five main rules here at Ericson," said Mr. Sullivan, projecting his voice as if he was talking to more people than just me.  "If you get caught breaking any of these rules for any reason, you will be immediately punished, without question. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head, but he just looked at me sternly. "Oh, right. Yes sir," I said, attempting to hide the sarcasm in my voice. 

"Rule number one: all of the adults are to be treated with the utmost respect.  When addressing them, always use your ma'ams and sirs."

"Yes, sir."

"Rule number two: PDA- that's stands for Public Display of Affection if you don't know- is strictly prohibited."

"Yes, sir."

By the time he got to rule number three, I had already tuned him out.  

The boarding school was a lot less green than I remembered it.  There were no longer vines climbing up its sides, and the bushes were trimmed and well kept rather than jagged and ugly looking.  

The yard was also a lot more empty; all of the couches and chairs that had been set out weren't there anymore. Neither was the lookout post. 

We passed where the graveyard and burned down building used to be.  No crosses stuck out of the ground at the graveyard's old site, and instead of the remains of the old building, there stood a huge gymnasium with the words GO ERICSON EAGLES on the front. 

We headed up the stair to the admin building.

"And finally, rule number five," the headmaster was saying, "You must be in your dorm by the curfew hour, nine o'clock.  Anyone found outside of their dorms after curfew will be in BIG trouble.  Got it?"

"Yes, Headmaster Sullivan."

"Remember rule number one," he reminded me.  "The correct way to say it would have been 'Yes, sir, Headmaster Sullivan.' You're lucky it's your first day, otherwise you would have just earned yourself a detention."

Oh my God, how am I supposed to survive this? I thought to myself. Still, I replied, "Yes, sir," through clenched teeth. 

"Oh, and by the way, you can't be wearing that," he told, gesturing to my hat.  Annoyed, I took it off and shoved it in one of my bags.  

He swung open the doors, and we entered the building. "Alright, I have some business to attend to. Go through that hallway," he said, pointing  down a hall opposite of the music hallway, "and turn left.  Tell  Mrs. Layson that you're new here, she'll know what else to do." With this, he turned and began to make his way up the stairs to his office.

I faltered over to where he directed me, all of my luggage throwing me off balance. Finally, after teeter tottering some on my way, I made it to the office.  I dropped my bags off of me and rolled my shoulders and arms, glad to be rid of the weight for just a bit.  

My eyes wandered the room, taking in all of the motivational posters and portraits of the headmaster. Man, he really thought highly of himself. 

Then my eyes landed on the front desk.  There was a name plate that read Mrs. Layson.

When I saw the receptionist who was sitting at the desk,  I gasped. 

 Christa looked up at me, her phone held up to her ear.  She held up a finger to her mouth, mouthing, "One second."  

I nodded, still in shock.  While she continued talking, I spotted a picture on her desk.  In it was her and Omid, both smiling.  In between them was a little girl, probably around two years old.  She was the striking image of her mom. 

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