Face The Wrath of The Blue Hairbrush!

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"What?!" Thalia exclaimed, still not believing Chi--Mr. Brunner. "That's impossible!"

"My dear," Mr. Brunner started. "I have heard no such thing as these so called 'demigods'."

"Chiron," Nico said, obviously irritated. "Stop lying. I know that the gods put you up to this and JUST STOP IT!!!"

Chiron took a deep breath. "Listen," He whispered urgently. Then he looked around the room as if he was inspecting for any eavesdroppers. "I am not in the position to tell---"

I sighed in frustration.

"Percy!" Thalia and Nico scolded.

"Anyway, the Oracle is. She knows." Chiron continued.

His words ignited a small flame in my heart.

The truth...,echoed in my head.

"Let's go," Thalia, Nico and I said in unision.

We raced out of the Big House.


"Rachel!" I called out as I burst into her cave.

She jumped out of her bed, looking drowsy and threw a blue plastic hairbrush directly in my left eye. 

For a girl who's half asleep, she sure can aim, I thought to myself, pressing a hand on my injured eye.

"Memories," Nico sighed, happily. Despite the constant exposure to the one called Will Solace, practically a ball of sunshine, Nico saying something happily still made him look sarcastic. 

"Oh haha, Nico," I said, trying to make my voice sound harsh.

Nico just continued laughing. The pain in my eye slowly subsided.

"Guys," Rachel yawned. "What are you doing here?"

Thalia, Nico and I had a staring contest.

Thalia lost because a butterfly made it's way to her nose, making her sneeze.

"Stupid butterfly..." She muttered.

"May the gods bless that butterfly!" I exclaimed.

"Let the butterfly have a beautiful life!" Nico recited.

While Rachel squeaked: "Eeep!" and swatted it...

...At the same time.

"Well," Nico mumbled "Had a beautiful life...".

We burst out laughing excluding Nico who was merely chuckling and Thalia who looked like she was going to have a speech in front of the whole world about...yarn.

Boring...I thought to myself.

"Really, Percy?" Rachel asked.

"I said my thought out loud, didn't I?" I asked sheepishly. They all nodded.

"Well, it's true!" I argued. "Just start your lecture, Grace..." I smirked a little.

"Fine,"  Thalia said and took a deep breath. "So...yada, yada. Yada and yada."

I may or may not have zoned out....maybe.

"What?" Rachel questioned in complete surprise. "But that's--"

"Impossible." Thalia, Nico and I finished. "We know." A loud roar interrupted us. We shared a glance before running off. A familiar voice echoed around us.

Too familiar.


I ran to the Amphitheater, ahead of Thalia, Nico and Rachel. They were left behind to sort the panicked campers.

"Aha, I knew there was some fishy smell here." An old friend laughed.

"Wow," I exclaimed sarcastically. "Took you all day to make that up?"

"Shut up, Perseus!" The cyclops hissed. "You cannot talk to me that way especially since I have your so-called precious girlfriend."

It was only then that I took notice of the blonde girl, wearing a Camp shirt, struggling inside the monster's grasp.

"Annabeth..." The name left my lips before I knew it. 

I had to save her.

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