Author's Note/Sneak Peek

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Thank you all for reading! This one was quite a short lil sequel, but guess what? The third is coming soon! I was able to finish this one very quickly, it makes me feel accomplished, but I also feel like I could have done more, but I just really wanna get this series rolling! I'm excited for the third book because it's one of my fave MCU movies, and for you guys, I will give a little sneak peak!


The room was dark, all except for one little beam of light coming from the bottom of the door, and a blue light emitting from the far wall.
The blue light glowed from a round window of a tall vessel that stood upright on the wall. Next to the vessel was a panel of switches and buttons, one large rectangular button read the word "DEFROST".
The room was silent as well, all except for a low humming noise coming from the vessel, this just meant that it was running at the moment, and it had been for 20 years.

Footsteps were heard coming towards the door, the lights turned on and the entire room was now fully visible. Earlier the darkness had hidden a large chair, one that you would find in a dentist's office, except, this chair had restraints on the arm rests and at the foot of the chair. Next to it was a metal table, at the moment it was empty.

The door opened and a group of men walked in, one of them was shorter than the others and rather stout, he wore round glasses and a lab coat. Three other men were in uniform, all three were armed. Then three others were also wearing lab coats.
The short man turned behind him.
"Close it." He ordered and a soldier went back to close the door.

The shorter man walked to the panel next to the vessel.
"Stand by." He said and two of the other men in lab coats stood by the door to the vessel. The short man pressed the button that read 'DEFROST'.
"Today, gentlemen, we gain a new Winter Soldier."

Ice and Defenders- Book 2 of the Frostbite SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now