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My head is spinning
Cant think
Cant see straight
I want to scream
I want to yell
I'm staying strong
For those who can't
Its breaking me down
Makeing me vulnerable
Im dizzy
Its like the world is spinning to fast
Im wobbling
Im on the verge of breaking down
Crying till i can't anymore
My head hurts
People talk cheap
Just to put others down
They dont know
When enough Is enough
How long tilk the mask breaks?
How long till im an emotional mess
How long till i cant take it anymore
Things are hapoening in my head
Maybe its stress
Stressing out about what to do
Stresing out about what i feel
Stressing out about five people liking me
Its all so much
And more
Ghe circle of things
Necer ending
I want to make it go away

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