
9 1 0

All day...
The pounding...
The screaming...
Banging the invisible walls...
Looking like a freak...
I cant escape it
I want to...
I just cant...
The headaches form
Making me dizzy
Making me want to fall
Where's the cliff when you need it?
Not there...
Guess it wants me to have the pain
The figures...
The know how to hurt me...
Scratch me
Scream at me
Make my ears ring...
They attack when I least expect it...
I'll wake up happy then...
I'm depressed in the afternoon...
Its like they want to haunt someone else...
They want me gone...
Why though?
What did I do?
I dont know...
All I know is that they create the headaches
The headaches that hurt
The headaches force me to hide pain
I don't tell anyone about them
They'll probably put me in a hospital
I wait till it's gone

Sorry this one isn't that good... I didn't feel tue inspiration foe that one... But I want to update daily for you guys!

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