Aviva x Zach : Part 6

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"You have a crush on Zach?" Koki asked, furiously curious.

"N-No!" Aviva stuttered back. "I just found that there!"

"Mhmm, and why would Zach write you a love letter? He hates you more than the Kratt brothers!"

"I... I..." Koki raised and eyebrow while glaring at Aviva with a look at shot daggers at her. "I don't know, Koki!!" Aviva yelled back before pushing her away and running out of her room, out of the Tortuga, sobbing.

"Where're ya going?" Martin asked as he saw her pass by.

Aviva simply pushed him, letting no one stand in her way to the exit. She wanted to get as far as anyone as possible.

She fled the HQ to somewhere in the middle of the North American forest. Not even the fear of the creatures had stopped her as she was too upset to think straight. There was no turning back.

After a long fear she slowed down to a stop, no longer able to run as she was too tired. She looked back and saw noting but the large forested area that showed no signs of human being there. All that was was streams, trees and the sky.

Peaceful, huh?

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