Author's Note

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Sorry for another author's note but I want to say a few things. I want to clear up any confusion. Yes I know what I said about Lauren not knowing any English but I don't think I put in the part in the library where it says Lauren grabbing books - no not just any books but "Basic English Words", "Words and phrases you should know before visiting", and of of course other books like Harry Potter cause why not. I am also VERY thankful that people are actually reading something I am proud of unlike my other works that have the worse grammer. Also I have written many books that I love but have never published (The Space Between Us) If you are wondering if if is based off that movie the answer is NO. I have written it way before it came out and that us probably my work that I was most determined. Of course I stopped and never really had the urge to start again. U like this one I am determined to finish and I am determined to make it the best I can make it. Thank you so much for 53 views, 30 votes, and 4 comments. I know it doesn't seem like much but it really does to me.


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