Part 6: Unanswered Questions

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(Aphmau's P.O.V.)

Aaron and I went downstairs for lunch. Renai already started eating the grilled cheeses I made for all of us. But she stopped when we got downstairs. She jumped up from her seat and ran past me to Aaron. She jumped up to him and gave him a humongous hug. I was still worried about him he was having constant mood swings and loosing a little by little of his self-confidence by the second. I was actually very surprised when he hugged her back. After what felt like millions of impatient years that gone by that I'm pretty sure were actually just about a minute. But like I said they were impatient. 

"You must be Aaron, I can't say I have heard a lot about you, but what I did learn was sincerely not the worst."

"Oh, so what exactly have you heard about me." He said looking at me, with a smirk.

"Honestly only that you like to read, but in my opinion that is an amazing quality to endure."

"Never exactly thought about it like that, but I guess you are right."

"Hehe" she glanced over at the table and the sandwiches I made and then to me and back to Aaron. " I'm sorry I began to eat before you guys came down I was just super hungry and the fact that the food was right in front of my face wasn't exactly helping."

"It's okay. Why don't we dig in all together now than."

"Ok but umm no harm meant by it but were you crying?" Ok, now I should probably interfere before it goes south. But to my surprise, before I  could Aaron spoke up.

"Yes, yes I was."

"Very well it is certainly not my business and I can tell you don't want it to be so let's begin or at least for me continue to eat."

I was surprised at how both renai and aaron responded in the conversation. But i guess its okay. It could have gone plenty worse.

Renai sat once more at the table and before Aaron could join with her is stopped him and whispered if he was alright he said he was but his voice cracked a little and before I could question it once more he was sitting down looking up at me waiting for me to join. 

We ate lunch together me feeling often very awkward not knowing of the things they were talking about and when trying to add on to the two-sided conversation with three paths often ended up feeling embarrassed and deciding not to speak. While Renai and Aaron talked about books and a whole bunch of conventions they either experienced or didn't experience together. They gave me a whole bunch of time to think. 

Why was she so comfortable around Aaron?. Why was he so comfortable around her? Why was he the only one she hugged, she didn't even hug my mother when she left? Why did he hug her back? How come they act like long lost siblings or old childhood friends? She defiantly doesn't look around his age she looks like thirteen years old but again I shouldn't be one to guess upon someone's age by there appearance. I have been thought to be twelve years old before cause of my height. Aaron sure got a good laugh out that day, he was hysterical. 

I remember that Aaron the one who wasn't always concerned about what he was or what he could do to others. But again that was before I knew what he was not that that changes anything. But maybe he still thought that way but probably even worse with no one to talk to. I still wonder to this day how it feels to be Aaron Everything about him from his gender to his once before parent situation to being an Ultima werewolf. Maybe one day I'll ask him but not now he has way too much on his mind now for my dumb questions.

I know this is short but I just wanted to get a chapter out there. the next chapter will be longer I promise.

Pup Out! ❤🐶

Word Count: 700

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