Jack Gilinsky Imagine for Michelle

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"Ugh I'm so frustrated!" You said as you slammed your book on your floor.

This week was exams and you were studying 24/7. You've hardly have gotten any sleep in the past couple of days.

"I can't do this!" You said laying face first onto your bed. You started crying from all the stress you've been under.

"Hey Miche-" Your boyfriend Jack paused as he was walking into your room.

"Babe what's wrong?!" Jack said as he rushed over to you and embraced you in a hug.

"I'm just so stressed, I've been studying for the past couple of days and I'm afraid I'm not gonna pass." You said still sobbing.

"Baby look at me." Jack said. You looked up and made eye contact with him.

"Listen, you've been studying so freaking hard for exams and hardly got any sleep. Plus you have to believe in yourself that you can pass." Jack said

"Now I want you to go to sle-" Jack got stopped by you.

"But." You said.

"No buts, go to sleep now Michelle." Jack said seriously.

You laid down as Jack was tucking you in.

"Please stay." You told Jack as he was almost out your door.

A smile grew on his face and he walked over to your bed. He laid down with you and pulled you into his arms. You could hear his heart beat which made you sleepy. He was also playing with your hair which made you even more sleepy. Your eyes started getting heavy.

"I love babe goodnight." Jack said as he kissed your forehead.

Then everything went black..













Blah I'm sorry this was a bad imagine but there ya go Michelle!❤️

If y'all want I'm taking requests now!

Comment here or message me for a request!

Hope y'all have a good day!😊


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