I'm worried, you know!

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Chapter 3: I'm worried, you know!


Aoba Koyo, The green haired dude, looking smart with glasses, but actually not really smart as he looks. Sitting in his seat in his classroom, having math. Holding his head, frustrated, wonders 'WHAT IS THE FREAKING ANSWER!!!?' 

"ARGH!!? I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT AT ALL!" Koyo screamed,  

"Please shut up, Aoba." The mean female sensei of math class, say it to him,  


"So, next problem to solve students..." She's completely ignoring him.  

"..." Sulks Koyo alone, crushing his pencil in frustration before he take out his 34th pencil of today.  

"I'm an idiot and I knew it, but it just bothers me that I can't solve a simple task of this work." said Koyo to himself massaging his temple. 

To Kato Julie side, he stares out the window watching the birds chirping, wonders why he even sit here making his butt getting tired. 

"I feel sorry for my butt, better find something to do other than sitting here~" He say to himself, stuffing his hands in his pants pocket, going to walk out of his classroom. 

"Oi! Kato! You're still in a lesson!" His sensei screamed,  

"Bah, I would listen if you're prettier than this." He signed, boringly.  


"See ya!" Then he exits the class.  

"BURN!!" One of the boys of Julie class yelled.  

"Tch! detention for you!" 

"Aw man."  

Though even if Julie got detention, he wouldn't be attending at the detention room anyway. 

As Julie walking along the hall, searching for hot girls, he bumped into someone... with HUGE chest, 'Ah, is Adel.' he thought with a sweat drop. 

"JULIE! Go back to your class!! What are you doing?" Adelheid yelled as she presses her fans against his throat. 

Julie quickly waving his hands at front his face with a grin, "I'm just going to pee I guess?" 

"Oh." Adelheid nods softly before she pulls her fans away.  

"Phew, almost got beat by her, though I would appreciate if she punch me with her chest~" He mumble in a dreamy expression as he walking away from Adelheid, which later earn him a hard smack at the back of his head. 

"I HEARD THAT" Screamed Adelheid before she hit him where the sun don't shine with her metal fans,  

"You can hit it s-softly with your hands, you kn-know?" Julie groans with a pervert grin before he passes out. Adelheid said nothing but having a red face, then she pulling him by the collar, dragging him to his class and toss him in. 

"Let him out..." Adelheid paused before she pull out her fans, point it to the teacher and then her throat, "You'll know what I'll do to you." 


Everyone in the class gulps, fidgeting in fear, Adelheidphobia, is famous. 


Next, Shitt. P's side. 

She's sitting on her seat, watching the class then later doodling on her paper. Nobody going to pay attention at her anyway, except Enma and [Name] sometimes. Today they, Shitt. P, Enma and [Name] made their way back to school somehow managed to get in the last period of the day.  

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