Camila (in real life) ||40

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Camila's pov:
It was yesterday afternoon when lili was interrogating about why I threw up yesterday morning (ish) but the morning repeated itself again this morning but this time I was going to talk to Madelaine instead because i knew she wouldn't ask me any questions that I didn't know the answer to.
I was sitting down on the sofa when I felt the need to throw up again but I ignored it and went to the kitchen and found the last pack of Jaffa cakes I'd eaten 3 packs in the last 2 and a half days which was not good, but the texture and taste was so good. When I was half way through the pack lili was calling so I obviously had to answer or else she would get mad and trust me when she's mad she's real mad. "Hey lili," I said when I answered the phone and she didn't even say hi back before she started to interrogate me again. I ended the call with her mid-sentence but of course she then got Cole to call me and then kj. I had to answer kj call or who would think something was wrong so I answered and he talked for ages about what lili said yesterday and it was really pissing me off and I wasn't really listening until I heard him say 'lili thinks your pregnant and she wants you to be pregnancy sisters' when he said that I got even more angry because lili kept invading my personal life and never let me have my own space. I know she was looking out for me but it was truly annoying, I hung up the phone on kj so now he will most definitely come to my apartment and make sure I'm okay. Just as I thought at least 1 hour after I ended the phone call with kj was standing and my apartment door and right now I wasn't letting him in because I wanted to sit down and watch pretty little liars on my own without any distractions and he was my biggest distraction at the moment and also the thing about what lili said because the truth is even thought kj and I wanted this I still didn't know if I was ready even when it could be happening right now. I thought the best option would probably be to talk to either Cole as he is my brother or lili because she's my best friend or even kj because he is my fiancé and he would probably be the best option to talk to him considering that I'm actually kind of scared about being pregnant again especially after the first time and kj is the only one that could make me feel better about this. I walked over to the door assuming that he probably would have left because I had been on the sofa thinking for ages but to my surprise he waited, the first thing I did was apologise then let him into my apartment and explained myself and everything that was going on and why I talked to lili first. For a moment I thought he was going to cry but then he stood up and hugged me tightly which made me feel safe like I finally had someone with me who could help me with how I felt and that someone understood me and what I was going through. Kj spoke after hugging me which felt like forever. He asked me what I wanted to do, what the hell does he mean what do I want to do, I don't even know what to do first. "Kj I don't even know what to do first."
"Well neither do I, but do you feel anything similar to what you did last time.
"I'm not really sure but I've eaten like 3 packets of Jaffa cakes in 2 ish days which I did last time before New York."
"So do you think you could be pregnant again?"
"Maybe, but would you be happy or not?"
"Would I be happy? Obviously I would be camila your the love of my life and I want to be with you forever that's why your my fiancé, when you were pregnant before I was the happiest so this would make me even happier." When he said this me being me started crying really hard and couldn't say anything back without choking on my tears so I gave up and waited for him to kiss me which he did. Then I told him that I would take the pregnancy test that lili left at my house once, how typical of her, I had to wait around 3 minutes and they were the longest minutes for my life and in those minutes I did the exact same thing that I did last time we were in this very situation, I went though a list a pros and cons in my head and weather I'd be a good mom or not. After the 3 minutes were over I was afraid to look at it but I looked up and saw kj standing at the door, "I heard the alarm go off have you looked yet."
"No I'm to scared."
"Cami, babe just look at it you've got nothing to be afraid of I'm here and we are together everything will be fine and didn't you want this?"
"Yes of course I did- - I do want this," I said to remind myself that I do want this. I was still shaking but I picked the stick and just as I thought it was positive... I cried but I didn't know what kind of tears weather it was sadness or happiness because I want this but at the same time I'm afraid even if I'm with kj. I text lili a little while after me and kj watched my favourite girly shows on Netflix.
Lili and camila texts

Cami: hey lili, don't be mad but you were right. You can tell Cole that he's gonna be an uncle and you are going to be an aunt.

Lili: omg are you serious?? And we are with your mom so can I tell her?

Cami: yes I'm being serious and no I want to tell my mom myself.

Lili: omg I'm so happy I'm telling Cole rnnn!

Cami: okay 😂 me and kj are watching all of my favourite shows on Netflix.

Lili: he treats you so good. He's the best 💋

Cami: I'm going to go now lysm lili byee. I'll see you soon.

Lili: bye babe 💋💋

Well my day went better than I planned and kj can officially live with me in my apartment till we find somewhere near set to live.
I hope you liked this chapter. Shall I do a real life or insta again??
-S 💛
(Word count: 1143)

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