Chapter 36 Parallel

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Hana had finished packing her clothes. With a quick movement, she closed the lid and pushed the box of her treasures inside the closet again, without even giving it another glance.

She locked their apartment door and steadily dragged along a smaller trunk downstairs, all the way murmuring to herself and mentally checking if she had packed everything necessary. As soon as she reached the main lobby, she gazed up she noticed Althea. She was being entertained by Fallon and Liezel.

Althea looked pretty as she always did, wearing a white shirt, black pants, and a brown middle-length coat to keep her warm in the chilly November weekend whose air predicted the approaching of snow. In contrast with her cold appearance, Hana wore a blue turtleneck cardigan, shorts, and the same orange jacket that reached her thighs.

Hana hugged both her friends then went on to Althea's side and as she reached her, Fallon suddenly pulled Althea in a tight clutch.

"You take good care of Hana for us, okay?" Fallon spoke up and Althea nodded after her first initial reaction. "She's such so clumsy please take care of her. Don't let her drag you into those spontaneous dangerous ideas of hers," she went on and pointed her index finger towards Althea, thus making Hana chuckle.

"I'm not a child, Fallon!"

"But you're you!" Fallon said. The Finnish and the Filipino looked at each other with mutual thoughts then smiled at each other, laughing.

"Obviously, Fallon is describing you like a reckless dog brought by his owner in the riskiest expeditions."

"Liezel, I'm clearly not a dog!"

"Hey," Fallon began, worry etched on her face. "Are you both sure about your classes being covered by your absence?"

"Headmistress Mariam had informed us that she has concurred with Professor Oakley. Neos Athens will completely do anything if it means a chance of winning."

"Sounds like it didn't take much convincing. Professor Oakley must be a big deal." Liezel said.

After their usual banter, they got all Hana's luggage into the trunk of Althea's car, fitted nicely next to her lover's luggage, and then Hana got into the front seat next to her. Althea simply smiled as she started the car and drove off from the parking lot.

The sun weakly shone through the tinted window of the car. Hana looked at stores and buildings, traffic signs, and people. Her photographer mind started looking at simple objects and began to think of creative and beautiful ways to capture them. Nothing escaped her notice, not the big cars and small cars, not the sidewalk cracks and the dancing birds on the road.

Reaching the park, they grabbed their luggage and walked towards the meeting place where they met up with Professor Oakley.

"Good morning, Professor!" Hana greeted in her perpetual joyful habit.

The old woman's smile reached her eyes, as it was crinkled. Then handed them warm cups she bought from a nearby café. "Nothing quite starts my day without tea." She said in a singsong voice.

"Thank you," they both replied as they took a sip.

The old woman led them through the forest they have not gone through yet. They had reached a glade when Professor Oakley stopped. "I ask of you, my students, to keep silent for a while in this part of the woods."

Hana smiled and nodded approvingly, and together with Althea, followed the old professor towards a blossoming bush. She stepped forward with such a delicacy, afraid to make any sound but the natural ones.

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