Chapter 8 Treat

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"EHHHH?" Hana couldn't believe her ears nor would she have thought that a simple favor could transpire into this.

"Are you sure? Have you seen me? I'm not actually attractive—like you."

Hana swore she saw Althea's face twitch. "There is no way I can improve if I'm to sketch myself repeatedly. You are good-looking, face-wise and body-wise, perfect for me to draw your simplicity. And besides, I believe I mentioned earlier that you can refuse."

"What? And you'll back out of the agreement!" Hana grabbed Althea's hand and looped her arms around it. "You can't back out now! You agreed!"

Hana could feel Althea stiffened from her touch. "But I can clearly see that you're disturbed. I wouldn't want to force you to do something uncomfortable."

"Disturbed? I'm just shocked that's all! And no, I'm not uncomfortable! I go to public baths all the time back in Japan! I'm just—" she faltered, "Just feeling that I'm not the best choice for your practice."


Hana's face flushed red. She didn't see the connection between modeling for her photography and modeling as Althea's nude model immediately, and then it slowly dawned on her. "I'm sure you have a lot of other friends who are better than me, Althea! You know a lot of people!"

"Perhaps, the art of painting was so intimate and it was supposed to be my secret. I prefer that this side of me will remain in the dark but to you—I trust you enough to show you this side of me. And also you do look amazing."

"Oh," Hana paused, blinking for a moment as the words sank in.

"Hana, every girl is beautiful. It's not a competition."

It was a rather odd feeling. When a boy would compliment her, she would feel attacked and suddenly become guarded. But when a girl compliments her—and especially someone like Althea—it made her feel all fluttery inside.

"Thanks!" That was all she could muster.

Althea placed a hand on her chin. "You're a beautiful work of art."

When she said that, Hana felt the blood rush to her cheeks. Her face was a red mess so she looked around, trying to not let Althea see her reaction, and realized something. "That's it!"

"That's what?" Althea got startled at seeing Hana leap from joy and wonder.

"I got an idea! This place is beaming beauty and I can't help but get inspired!" She kept hopping around the place.

"May you share your epiphany?" her eyes followed the perky Japanese.

"I will make use of the whole park!"Hana threw her hands up in the air. "Search for unused angles and to really use black and red photography!"

Althea looked loss for words until spoke a word that condensed all of her feelings and thoughts, "That's quite intriguing, Hana."

"I know!" Hana placed her index finger and thumb under her chin. "And we're going to need a lot of red!"

"A tangible material would prove to be better than a vague idea." Althea murmured for she didn't found the need to criticize her creativity until witnessing it with her own eyes."You're going to catch a cold, Hana." Altheanotedwhen Hana went towards the wet earth.

"It stopped raining. Look!" Hana murmured while pointing at the sky, to show her that the grey clouds had evanesced and instead had left behind a sparkling sun.

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