The Phoenix Soars - Part 2

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This is part 2 of the one shot that takes place after Bolum 30. Part 1 here: 

Can:  Her hair falls out of place and like any other model I've worked with I don't hesitate at all to walk up to her and touch her. Until I reach her and move her hair and she looks up at me through those lashes. I stand there with my hand on her face and she closes her eyes at my touch. I KNEW IT. I knew she could feel it too. We're interrupted when Sanem's assistant walks in, "my apologies, Can Bey, but Sanem, your fiancé needs to talk to you." 


I'm finishing breakfast when my phone rings. I don't even have to see who it is, "good morning, Ferhat my love." "Good morning, gorgeous. Are you ready for the photoshoot today?" he asks. I've always been honest with Ferhat and he knows that Can and I had a thing, but he doesn't know every single detail. It's not because I don't want to tell him, it's because I don't want to re-live it. The pain, the agony, the heartache. He just knows that things didn't work out and the moment they didn't, I left the agency. 

"So after the shoot, we'll head over to your office to make final decisions on the studio selection for the movie rights, correct?" I say as I shove more breakfast into my mouth realizing the time. "It's always all work with you, Sanem, isn't it?" he teases me, knowing his life is all work too. "Well, you are my agent," I say to him sweetly. 

I rush out the door and my assistant calls me, "Hi, Sanem, I'm at the shoot already. Please tell me you're on your way." I laugh, he knows me too well. I'm always late. "Volkan, I just left my house, so I'll be there in 20 minutes." "Okay, everyone is ready for you in hair and makeup, I've selected a few dresses for you, let's go darker though on this one, okay? You know it'll go with the theme of the novel," he laughs. 

We're an hour into the shoot and Can is not on his game. He's fumbling, he's not communicating direction and the flutter of everyone on set is starting to grind on his nerves. I'm of course not making anything easy because, well, I don't have to and given that he's not able to fully communicate what he's looking for, I'm playing the diva card. 

"Sanem. PLEASE focus. I need you to move more," he says lifting his hand up to move his hair out of his eyes. He still wears it in a bun, but the strands have loosened with his frequent nervous movement of moving his hand over his hair. "When you say, move, can you be more specific, Can?" I spout back. "Move my arms? Move my head, my entire body? Give me some creative direction that I can actually work with." I say back, not breaking eye contact. 

That's when he finally breaks and yells for everyone to leave the room, except me. His mood shifts and he begins barking out more orders, but at least they're constructive. I move and begin to be more comfortable with the shoot and then he approaches me. As he's getting closer, my heart is racing. He touches my hair and moves it behind my ear and I swear my body takes a mind of it's own and I almost lean into his hand. I feel the electricity and immediately fight it and open my eyes, not even realizing I had closed them. He's looking at me with such intensity like he's going to combust at any moment.  "My apologies Can Bey, but Sanem, your fiance needs to talk to you," Volken says, coming out of nowhere, handing me his cell phone. I'm grateful that he walked in at that moment and I quickly get up to speak with Ferhat. "Hi my love, we're almost done here," I say looking at Can and mouthing, "right?". Can nods his head and looks through his camera and walks away. "Sanem, you need to leave now to get to the meeting in time about the movie rights, so please, I know running late is your life, but I need you to please be here in 30 minutes," he says in the most calm voice he can muster. 


She left the shoot just as she entered, like a hurricane. Engaged. She's fucking engaged and to her agent no less. But she leaned into my touch. She closed her eyes. There is something still there after these years. I head back to the hut to process the photos. Her publicist asked for them digitally, but I'm old school and need to see them printed before I release digital files. Plus, as part of her contract which really pissed me off, she has all approval on images before they're released. They're cutting the deadline close as this photo is needed tomorrow for the website launch and other promotional pieces. Over the next few hours I process them and select the one that I feel should be used, she looks absolutely amazing in it. I pick a few more to throw in the folder because this new bold Sanem will likely go against my decision. 

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