Rising from the Ashes - Part 1

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This is written after Bolum 30 when Can tells Sanem he's taking Polen's offer to go to London. After he once again breaks Sanem's heart after she has given her scent to Fabri. I'd like to thank the following people for their ideas for this glorious one shot. It will likely be a 4- part piece! (@louisababs19 / @MaitlynJ / @cndyprfumegirl

Sanem: I can't hear anything. My heart is pounding so hard that all I hear is the sound of blood pumping in my ears. He's leaving. He's going with HER. He selected her. Of course he did. I ruined the magic. I ruined us. But so did he, didn't he? He made me promises and he couldn't keep them. He's leaving. Tears are streaming down my face and all I can do is stand there, looking past him waiting for him to walk away from me.


2 years later

I hear a knock at the door. It's early, but I knew the day would start that way. I have back-to-back meetings, which is my new normal since my novel is about to debut. My agent called me this morning and told me that I'll likely be in the running for the New York Best sellers list. I'm thrilled and my publicist is already pushing me for chapters for the sequel.

I answer the door and Ferhat, my agent, walks in and hands me a large steaming hot Americano. I smile at him and thank him and he pulls me in for a kiss.

"Good morning, gorgeous." he purrs in my ear.

"Good morning, bebek. Thank you for the coffee, you know how I need my caffeine to fuel these types of days. I'm a little nervous, but excited to head to the agencies today. I wonder which one we'll go with and how they'll each delight us with their proposals for the book launch," while grabbing my purse and taking one last look in the mirror.

"Sanem, do not be nervous. You're not a copywriter anymore, you're a novelist and a damn good one. And, you look stunning," he says as he pulls me and places a soft kiss on my neck.

"How did I get so lucky to get such a great, agent?" I tease, while smiling at him and grab his arm as we head out the door. "Who's coming with us today? Is it the whole team?"

"Yes, your publicist and publisher will attend since it's a large launch. We'll also bring our laywer in case you decide to sign on-site," Ferhat says as he's scrolling through his phone and we exit the elevator.

I wave to my doorman who is the nicest elderly man and always warns me before anyone from my neighborhood comes up to visit. They're all still a little upset that I decided to move into the city, but the change did me good and it's been easier on my career, obligations and crazy schedule. I still head home most Sundays for dinner with my family, unless of course I'm out at speaking engagements or at some event that Ferhat feels I need to be at.

Ferhat puts his arm out to stop me, since I'm on my phone and not paying attention, per usual, and tells me to wait for the car and that he will head outside to catch it as he needs to make a quick call. "Okay, love," I respond still sipping my Americano and getting lost in a fleeting thought knowing one of the agencies we're visiting today will bring back some ghosts in my life- but we have to go, they're one of the top 5 agencies and my publisher is insisting.

A week after HE left the agency, I did too. I worked for another agency as a copywriter and spent all my time and energy finishing my novel. When I felt it was finally finished, I used my connections to get it to the right hands. Osman introduced me to his talent agency and ultimately that's how I met Ferhat. We spent a lot of time together working out the book deal, and he was the one that decided I should stick with my original idea - writing under a pseudonym. My book was published under the name Ela Demir. Demir is actually my mother's maiden name. I loved the idea of it - I loved the mysterious part of why authors chose to do that and while my time was running out on people finding out the true me, I had already done a few small speaking engagements that outed me. This campaign would surely do that one way or another. Over the course of the first year of being out from under all the lies and chaos, I lost track of where HE was and what HE was doing. Ferhat helped with that process. We fell for each other slowly and his complete adoration for me didn't hurt, either.

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