Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Hermione walked around the store, going from book to book. When Hermione saw the book, she counted how many copies of the book that the store had and wrote the number beside the book title on the piece of paper. She was taking inventory and she was the only one. Sophie called Madame Glirsh (the store manager and Hermione’s boss) to tell ask her if she could have the day off. Madame Glirsh agreed knowing that there wouldn’t be a lot of customers coming in today and because she knew how strongly Sophie felt about the Malfoy case.

It was ten o’clock. The shop had been open for an hour and a half already and no one had entered the store. Hermione wondered if anyone had even walked by it. It was as if Diagon Alley was deserted. Hermione wondered how many stores would be open. She knew that the broom, Gringotts, and George’s shop was closed, but she wondered if there was any others that were closed.

Diagon Alley was deserted.

Madame Glirsh was in her office on the third—and the top—floor of the book store. Hermione wondered what she was doing here. For weeks she hadn’t been around because she could do most of her business from home and because she trusted Sophie and Hermione to work at the shop without her guarding it.

As Hermione was finally making her way to the ‘B’ section, she heard Madame walk to the staircase, her heels tapping the hard wood flooring echoed across the entire store.

“Hermione?” Madame Glirsh called.

Hermione walked away from the bookcase and to the middle of the bottom flooring and she looked up to her boss.

“Yes?” Hermione asked.

Madame Glirsh then walked down the rest of the staircase so that she was standing in front of Hermione.

Madame Glirsh was a tall woman, but extremely skinny. Hermione saw that she had no meat or fat on her anywhere . She was a lady who looked to be literally only skin and bones. She usually wore dresses, blue ones, and she always had her long, chocolate brown hair in a bun. She had small eyes that were grey, but warm.

“Hermione dear, I will be meeting a boy in about thirty minutes. He asked me about applying to work here and I told him that I would interview him and look at his résumé. He will also quite possibly work here as well for today just so I can see how well that he does. You know the drill. It was the same thing that I did with you,” Madame Glirsh told her.

Hermione admitted that she found that odd. Sophie told her that Madame Glirsh usually only had two workers at the same time. Did Sophie give a letter to Madame Glirsh saying that she was quitting.

“I know that look. Don’t worry. Nothing is happening to you and Sophie, but this boy seemed pretty desperate. I don’t think Sophie will like the news of him working with her, but if she quits then that is her choice. I am the manager and what I say goes,” Madame Glirsh shrugged.

Hermione began to wonder about Madame Glirsh. She knew that Madame Glirsh was the boss and what she says goes, but if she was thinking that Sophie might quit because of a new person that Madame Glirsh might hire.

Who was this boy?

“Who do you think you are hiring?” Hermione asked.

Madame Glirsh sighed.

“I know that you probably won’t like this idea either, but he seems desperate. I checked him out and he seems like a good and responsible worker with a bad past,” Madame Glirsh told her, “I was thinking of hiring Draco Malfoy.”

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