Mr. Dizznee (and his children) Pt. 1

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Alright you guys seem to be really happy about this, so here's the next update!


''Wait, I thought Bryan liked Rose?" Fernie asked his sister, confused beyond words.

''Yeah, and she likes him!" Bernie chimed in, looking just as confused.

Merzie rubbed her temples, she'd spent the last twenty minutes trying to explain this to her younger brothers...but clearly they still weren't getting it.

''Okay, one more time- Rose and Bryan are being stupid and need help with their feelings for each other. Which is where we- their friends- come in to help,'' Merzie said slowly, praying they understood this time.

''If the feelings are still there, why do they need help with them?" Bernie frowned, making his sister's eye twitch.

''BECAUSE ONE OF THEM IS A SENCEN AND THE OTHER IS A SONG!! Of course they need help to confess their feelings- it's romantic!!'' The oldest Dizznee girl had lost it,''Remember what dad did for Aunt Bex? She needed help with her fiancé and-''

''Did you ever notice how much Merzie is like mom when she rants about romance and love?" Fernie whispered to his twin brother.

''That's because they both say the exact same thing, 'It's romantic! It's the point of love!'''Bernie mimicked in a high-pitched voice, before bursting into giggles with his brother.

''Understand?" Merzie finished.

The younger Dizznee boys blinked back at her,''Are we supposed to?"

 Dex came running into his children's lab as soon as he heard the screaming. Merzie, Fernie, and Bernie would no doubt reek havoc on anyone who tried to hurt any of them- but that wouldn't protect him from his wife if something happened to their kids. Not that their safety wasn't a priority, but he knew that who tried to hurt them would be the ones scared for life. There was a reason he no longer shared a lab with them after all.

But he never thought he'd have to protect his children from...each other. All three of them had always been very close, even with the large age gap between the twins and Merzie. They shared a lab together, they shared classes at FoxFire since the boys were advanced up early, and they even had a whole floor that had all three of their bedrooms combined to make a place to hang out for them and their friends.

So he was definitely not prepared to see Merzie attacking her brothers as they ran from her, or the glob-shooting gun that Bernie had and was aiming wildly as he tried to hide from his sister. And definitely not the net that Fernie was trying to catch his sister with, to prevent her from getting them.

Okay, think Dex, the strawberry blonde elf thought, What would Marella do?

Not this, definitely not this... Dex groaned standing between his children as they yelled and tried to claw at each other. At least it can't get worse.

The doorbell rang from downstairs.

No one moved.

It rang again.

''Dex! Are you here?" A voice shouted from outside.

Dex let out a curse that made all three of his children stop and stare at him with comically wide eyes. All three of the Dizznee children pointed at their father and yelled at the same time,''I'm telling mom!"

Marella Dizznee (#4 in Sophie Sencen Series)Where stories live. Discover now