Chapter Three

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As the day went on and on with Jake starring at Jaiden and Colby starring at Danielle, it was finally 10:39 and Jake, Jaiden, Colby and Danielle where all sitting in the living room on their phones as the others where upstairs sleeping. Jake breaks the silence and says j: Anyone wanna watch a romance movie?? Danie: Yeah i guess. Jn: Yeah im okay with it. C: Oh absolutelyyyyy.
Danie: Oh god Colby scares me. We all laugh. J: Ill go make TWO bowls of popcorn. Danie: Okie dokie.

Jake has the popcorn and Colby turns on the Romantic movie everyone is talking about. J: Heres your guy's and here is our popcorn Jaiden. C: Thanks Jake. Danie: Thank yah. Jn: What they saiddd. As we were half way in the movie i see Jaiden huddled into Jakes arms half way asleep. Jake seemed really happy she was with him. C: Thats so cute. J: SHHHHH shes sleeping. I wheeze on accident. J: What the heck was that sound? Was that Navi??
Danie: Nope that was 100 percent me 😂. C: Oh my gosh how did you...
Danie: Colby i don't know.😂
J: SHhHHHhH. Danie:Okay jeez jake.
As we fly by most of the movie, i noticed Colby just starring at me again. So i just turn my head at Jaiden and Jake, there asleep. I turn my head back at Colby and hes STILL staring at me, i gave him a little smirk and watched more of the movie. I was hypnotize by the movie and then i feel a hand slip into my hand. I look at my hand and then at Colby. As he leans over to kiss me i say, Danie: I have to use the restroom. Colby feels at if it was a bad time to do that. After i was done in the restroom, i found everyone asleep in the livingroom so i climmed my way up the stairs to the guest room and went to bed.


Cy: WaKe uP dAnIeLle!!

Danie: What happened?? Huh???

Cy: Its 8:45PM and you STILL SLEEPING!!!

Danie: What really?!¿

Cy: Yes and were throwing a party at 9:17 so get ready.

I immediately try to run down stairs to get Jaiden but instead i fall...but i go with it and rush to get Jaiden.

Danie: JAIDEN GET UP!! Jn: Wait why??
Danie: It's 8:52PM right now and we're throw a PARTY tonight at 9:17. Jn: Party?? Danie: Yes now get up!! Jn: (GASPS)

Its 9 o'clock and you guys wear this(Look all the way up at the photo and click on it)
Danielle wore some pocket chains that attach to her sweater and leggings under her ripped jeans with a orange crop top. Jaiden wore a baggie shirt with checker boarded pants.

Its just about time people start arriving so Danielle and Jaiden walk down stairs while everyone was outside except for Jake, Colby and Brennen. Danielle and Jaiden walk in the kitchen all ready for the party and then Colby, Jake and brennen choke on their water after watching you guys walk into the kitchen. Danie: Oh my god holy shit!!😂 Jn: What the hell? Who is this?
Jake: This is Brennen.
B: Hey wassup girls 😎😏.
C: So your guys got extra ready.
Danie: Aye shut it.
Jn: What she said...again
B: Im single by the way.
Colby slaps Brennen in the arm and whispers, C: look that ones mine so back off.
B: Danggg okay.

(Some people started to arrive)
The music turns on and everyone is jumping and having a good time.

Jaidens P.o.v: Evryone started to dance and i sat in the back with Jake drinking Moonshine (Alchohol) We got so drunk when i tried dancing, i just stopped because i looked likd a worm and Danielle couldn't walk because she was so drunk she was stiff like a toaster strudel. As soon as you know it, Jake Webber kissed me...He brought me to his room but dont blame me, i didn't know what was going on, It was my first time drinking so i was spinning like a frisbee in mid-air, As we entered the room, he umm....thats just were it will end.


I wake up in a different bed, in a different room, with a different person, it wasnt the guest bed, it wasn't the guest room, it wasnt Danielle, I look over to Jake as he appears to be waking up too. I start blushing as my anxiety raises up. J: Wait why are yo-...
Jn: Jake i don't know.
J: What happened last night??
Jn: I dont know but this is super awkward and i don't think that was supposed to happen....


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