Cocaine and fuck

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Katyas pov:
"Fucking hell I love you so much" Trixie panted laying back. I giggled licking my fingers clean and laying next to her, I finished making Trixie moan louder then anyone in the house at the moment.

Yeah this house has a moaning competition.

"I love you too babygirl, but you did kinda ask for it when you walked in wearing those short shorts" I giggled looking up at the ceiling fan and seeing her shorts stuck flying around in a circle. I guess she noticed too cause she instantly started laughing hard.

"Ahhhhh!! Oh my god!! My shortssss!! I didn't think you threw it that highhhh!!" She screamed laughing hard and flailed a bit.

"Well I was in the moment! I couldn't help myself and I didn't know it was gonna go that high!" I laughed pulling her close and kissing her softly. If I'm gonna be honest Trixie is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I don't want anyone to ever take her away from me.

"Your so cute I hope you know that" I smiled looking at her and watching her cheeks turn a soft red.

"Stopppp your making me blushhhh" she giggled shoving her face into my neck. I laughed kissing her cheek and hugging her tightly.

Soon our little cuddle session when the door slammed open and a very angry looking adore came in, which I was very surprised cause adore doesn't usually get that angry.

"Why the actual fuck are you so damn loud?! Like what the actual hell?! Can you not?!" She yelled as I held Trixie closer to me.

"Woah woah woahhhh! Adore just chill! I'm sorry if we disturbed you but no need to get all hostile here!" I exclaimed holding my hands up, but I felt like she was just getting angrier.

"You know you two have been the most fuckin loudest in the house lately! Maybe it's time for you two to stay separated for a bit so we can all get some fucking peace and quiet!" She screamed before grabbing Trixies arm roughly and dragging her out of my arms and tugging her out of the room.

"Adore what the fuck?! Let go of her right now I swear to fucking god!" I quickly followed her down the stairs, it made me even more angry hearing Trixie squeak, Adore was obviously hurting her.

"No I'm sick and tired of hearing you two and I just want some peace in this house!!" I growled and quickly tugged Trixie back holding her close to me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! This isn't you! Like cmon now!!" Now we were really making a scene at this point, Alaska and Sharon watched everything happen in shock from the kitchen, Violet didn't know what to do and pearl decided to step in and try and make things better.

"Hey hey hey! Everyone just calm down alright! Adore just relax ok, your scaring Trixie..." I looked down and saw that Trixie was shaking and holding onto me tightly.

"Fuck off! Why don't you just go back to fucking Violet!" She crossed her arms and glared at a shocked pearl.

"Alright I think it's time for you to go now adore." Violet got up and opened the door motioning for adore to leave, and surprisingly she actually did go out, but not without pushing Violet out of the way.

"The hell is her problem...she was fine a half and hour ago..." Sharon mumbled watching adore light a cigarette from the window.

"Honestly...what's up with her..." Violet said dusting herself a bit. I held onto Trixie tightly and kissed her cheek trying to calm her down a bit. I softly looked at her arm and saw a big bruise forming from when Adore grabbed her.

"I'm so sorry baby...I promise she won't lay another finger on you" I whispered kissing her cheek. She finally calmed down and sniffed looking up at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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