
753 39 6

Katyas pov:
By the end of the day, my once red and black room that usually is always dark, messy, and depressing, is now a red,black, and pink wonderland.

Trixie made my closet a bit brighter with her clothes and shoes, I was surprised to see the many amount of shades of pink. My room was now more organized and clean, to the point where I could actually see the floor again. And the bed was made perfectly, it had my clean sheets, but Trixie added her soft cute pink pillows in to show her side of it. There was even a couple lights she put in to make the room brighten up.

"Damn...this looked weird...but I love it" I said looking around the room. Trixie smiles shyly as she folded the last box down and tucked it away on her side of the closet.

"I hope it's not too much of a change..I kept as much as your stuff up as I could.." I shook my head and sat on my side of the bed looking at the little stuffed animals she had on her side.

"You kept everything up don't worry...I just feel like there's not enough of you...you could add a couple posters or somethin...I mean I have my flag" I laughed motioning to the Russian flag I had over the bed.

"It's fine, I have all the stuff out that I need so it's all good" she shrugged sitting next to me on the bed as she moved some hair off her shoulder. She's so mesmerizing.I just can't help but gaze into her beauty. There's something about her that's just so different from the rest.

"So...what do you do for a living? I hope you don't mind me asking" she turned red a bit looking at me. I snapped out of my day dream and sighed not knowing if I should tell her or not.

"Uh well...I'm a yoga instructor..pretty boring yeah..but it helps me take my mind off my bad habits of drugs and alcohol.." I looked down ashamed of admiring my addiction, it's something I really want to quit, but every time I try something really bad happens and it forces me to go back.

"Not boring to me...and if you want I can help you out with your habits...only if you want me to though..." I glanced up at her as she smiled softly at me. No ones really offered me help, the other girls tried but I always manage to beat around the bush.

"Thanks...that would help a lot I would love that...but enough about me, what do you do?" She sighed sitting back looking agitated.

"I work at a makeup counter...it sucks though cause everyone always criticizes my makeup..its 'too much' and 'looks weird'...but in all honestly I like my style...natural isn't for me.." she shrugged playing with a bracelet she had on.

"I think it's beautiful...it's a nice change from seeing all the natural stuff around here...it fits you.." I smiled watching her frown curl into a small smile.

"That means a lot that you said that...i like to call myself a over the top country Barbie...since well..I'm country trash" she giggled looking over at her guitar. It looked very old, even had a few strings missing too, the wood was chipped and the paint was barely there, yet Trixie seemed happy with it.

"You play?" I asked putting my knees up to my chest and resting my head on top of my knees.

"Yeah, it's harder now a days since my guitar is slowly fading away...but I really can't afford a new one so it's all I got..." I gave her a sad smile before putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure one day you'll get a new one...I just know it..." she blushed hard looking at my hand. Before I knew it she had her arms wrapped around my neck as she hugged me tightly. I lightly tended up not expecting the sudden hug, and my face turned a bright red not knowing what to do. After a couple seconds I got up still turning red and nervously cleared my throat.

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