Chapter 2- Careful Decisions

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Canada laughed and nudged America's arm lightly, "Al! You can't say those things!" He smiled as he watched his brother torment a flustered England.

"Awe it's not my fault Iggy's shy~" America teased and poked at England's bright red face.

Canada giggled in amusement thinking how much England reminded him of a volcano.
'Just imagine a volcano with huge bushy eyebrows and a big frown!' He burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter at the ridiculous thought.

"I am not shy!" He heard England call as America teased him again.

"Am too~"

"Am not!"

"Am so!"


Canada laughed again and grinned at the two, he was so happy to be able to spend time with them again. It had been so long since they were able to remember him.

But, something felt a bit.. Weird? Almost like they were being watched?

He heard rustling in a nearby bush and turned his head away for a split second, staring at the leaves curiously, but Canada couldn't find any reason to be suspicious..

Shaking his head he tore his eyes away from the bush, only to find that America and England had walked ahead a little ways.

'Strange, when did they get so far?' The Canadian wondered, his smile faltered but he didn't think much of it. After all he did zone out, and they could've easily not noticed he stopped.

Canada sprinted towards them, but America and England still looked far away, in fact..

They looked farther!

An alien sense of panic washed over the Canadian making his every being tremble with fear.

'Why can't I catch up?'


'Why do I feel so afraid?'



He screamed mentally, his brother's laughter sounded like a distant echo and his shape a blurred blob.

"Wait!" Canada panted, "Wait don't leave me! I'm coming hold on! Just.." No one was around him now, no America, no England. Even the scenery had left him for the sickly pale whiteness of nothing itself.

"Just don't leave me.." Canada let out a hysterical sob, his voice cracked and he rubbed at his eyes furiously in a pathetic attempt of calming himself down.

To his absolute horror, when he lifted his hand he could no longer see it. He stared in disbelief as his arm slowly disappeared, as though he were being erased.

He screamed, but America and England were long gone.

There was no one around to hear him.

"Wait no! No I'm Canada this can't happen!" He yelled desperately, but the vanishing didn't stop, it kept climbing and climbing until he himself had completely vanished into the cruel backdrop.

'I'm Canada..'

Matthew suddenly shot up from the floor, tears streaming down his chalk white face as he stared at the bare wall in silence.

It had been so long since he had a nightmare, but since he had the mentality of a human now he wasn't surprised he hadn't had one sooner. The fears he was able to ignore.. Felt so much bigger now.

Another tear trickled down and Can- no, Matthew, pulled Kumajirou into a hug, startling the sleepy bear.

"Who are-" The bear asked groggily, he was still trying to process what was going on.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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