Chapter 1- "Who are you?"

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Matthew looked at the empty house with an expression that mimicked how hollow his once-home now appeared. He couldn't even believe it was the same house.. He had lived in it for decades, maybe even centuries? He wasn't sure. Matthew's memory had degraded rapidly since he found out he wasn't technically a nation anymore.. In fact he could barely recall anything that was before World War One.

"Kumahiru what am I going to do?" He asked the little polar bear, who was happily pretending an empty cardboard box was an airplane.

Kumajirou didn't even look up.

"Who are you?"

Despite the circumstances Matthew smiled. Kumajirou didn't mean it, Matthew didn't mean it either, it was a little game both him and his bear played. He'd call the bear by the wrong name, and Kumajirou would ask who he was, pretending to have forgotten.

"I'm Canada," Matthew replied with a sarcastic grin.

Matthew was about to finish packing the last box when his phone interrupted him.

"Bonjour, que-est que c'est?" He asked, while rubbing at his eyes in annoyance.

'Why does France always call at terrible times!' He thought. Despite the agressive sentence, there wasn't any real anger behind it.

Just pathetic frustration.

He hadn't slept in at least two days, perhaps even longer.. The Canadian was terrified that he'd go to sleep, and never wake up..
He couldn't help but think that he'd completely vanish like the Roman Empire did.
After all, what good was he for if he wasn't a nation anymore?

"WhoAA what's with the French, dude? You practically never use that stuff anymore? Especially with me!"

Matthew's eyes widened and he hastily apologised, "Sorry Al, force of habit, I've been talking with France lately and I thought you were him, and you know how he prefers me speaking French-"

"Anyways!" America cut Matthew off suddenly, "You know how every year I have that Christmas party right!"

Matthew nodded, and then realised Alfred couldn't see him, "Y-Yeah?"

"Well dude guess what! It's literally in a couple of days I'm so excited! You probably forgot again didn't you?"

For once America wasn't wrong.

Matthew's face instantly flushed a bright red and he felt ashamed at having been called out.
"N-Nah I knew, a-anyway's who are you inviting this time?" He asked trying to quickly change the subject.

It worked perfectly and the American got even louder with excitement, "EVERYONE!" He shouted before quickly rambling out a list of names.

Matthew held the phone away and rubbed at his ears, 'And here comes the headache,' he thought a bit bitterly as he listened to the American's yelling.

He wasn't going to say anything about the unbearable volume though, especially since his brother was in such a good mood.

America happily told him how he was able to convince every country to come, and how he was most proud of convincing Switzerland and Austria. From what Matthew could piece together it sounded more like his brother had bribed them with- wait did he say cheese? But hold on, another thing was bothering the Canadian, there was one name America didn't mention?

"Wait? You didn't mention Russia? Is he not coming this time?" He asked while simultaneously pacing around the room idly.

Matthew received an awkward pause and heard America cough briefly, "Uhh yeah um he.. He didn't want to come! He's super busy!"

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