Chapter 1 my stone

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You know, none of us knew what to expect when we found are stones. We didn't really think anything of it. A rock? Just that. Nothing special. But we were wrong. Hello my name is Iyo Sato. Most of my friends however refer to me as Dove. I'm about to tell you something. Something that most humans woudnt believe. It's the story of me, and my freinds and how we became the super powered team known as the stones. For me, it was like any other day.

"Dove" "dove" my best freind Tania called. "Hurry its time for practice" of course it was. I'm on the swim team at my school. It's a fairly time consuming sport. I honestly just do it to get out, to socialize. To be honest given my bodies current status I'm quite pisspoor at the sport. Yet I still need interaction so I take it up. Even as dull as it be. Its also really competitive so it helps me with my anger management. As far as Tania goes shes a total dork. I tend to tease her about that often. We have this sort of bond.

Once in the pool I started doing laps like a total genius. I did breath stole,backstroke,free style, on swim team we do more then just doggy patel. As we were finishing laps I noticed something shining through my goggles at the bottem of the pool. Of course being the amateur I was I quickly stopped my laps to dive down and get it. I even took it home with me and the next day to school. I showed Tania. "Put that away now" she whispered. "Why?" "Just do it ok, and meet my by the basketball court after school" she said hushed. "But why?" I whined. "Do I have to give a reason?" "I prefer you do" "ok here's your reason: trust me" I hate it when he does that sometimes I honestly feel like she takes advantage of our strong connection. She is so dear to me she knows I'll do what she says... After school I met her. "Ok I here"

"Ok anyone around?" She had caution in her ... eyes. "No" "then check this out" she pulled out a stone simaler let to mine but swerving and red. "" she took it to her chest and red sparkles begun to surround her, they clung to her body and turned into Ruby ribbons replacing her clothing. They stretched out as though pulled by a magical force and her hair began to glimmer red.

A mask apeared upon her face and she posed. "I am a superhero known as a stone, and it looks like you've been chosen to be one too" she smiled at me. The ribbons had been replaced in a puff of smoke with an outfit of fur resembling a fox's fur coat. "Wait what's a stone? Does this involve plants?" "No silly, it means that you've been chosen, c'mon" she quickly grabbed my hand taking me away within the bushes behind the court. There my life change forever.

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