merlin's court

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She showed me her stone, it was an opel glowing orange. She took the one in my hand and held it up to the sun.

"yep your one of us"

"what the heck is going on" I practicly screamed.

"this" She then pushed it onto my chest.

I felt my body rise up, my fingers grow cold as warm light surrounded me, my eyes closed and next thing I knew, I was wearing bird feathers...ya...really. I know that sounds silly, but when I looked down I had actual wings. Like wings! Like WINGS! who else can say that they have wings! Sorry I'm obsessing on this. But ya wings....

"Dove, Dove, Dove,Dove,Dove, ugh,  Iyo"

I finally snapped out of it.

"sorry. Hey you called me Iyo"

"well you wern't responding to dove"

"true, look can you explain to me why I have wings? Or better yet what the actual heck is going on?"

She sighed. She sat down. 

"you are now officailly a protecter of the eath"

"wait what!?"

"look a long time ago...they're were these girls...that were knights of Merlin's and King Arthur's court...they each had an animal spirit that they used to protect the kingdom, but then, they perished. but before they did they encased their spirits in stones for only the worthy to find. thousands of years pass, and those who are worthy find the stones. Those who find the stonese are meant to save the world"

"wow that's a lot of exposition tania"

"what are you talking about?"

"nothing" I laughed nervously.

"right well...your now a protecter of earth"

"Now I'm even more confused" I breathed out taking a seat next to her on the cold pavement.

Earth protecter. So me, 13 year old Iyo Sato is now a protecter of earth. Great! Jeeuz my life man...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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