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Canada gave a small sigh as he slid a heavy wooden chair back, the slow drawn out squeaking of wood scratching wood made him cringe as he took his seat. This wasn't a normal world meeting, in fact this wasn't a world meeting at all, it was just a simple meeting between country and leader that filled the Canadian with dread.

It amused him that he couldn't exactly place why? There hadn't been any economic problems, or conflicts with other nations, there weren't any problems with the humans either, even the weather had taken on a docile role lately..

So why did he suddenly feel so.. Off?

The snow outside was falling softly, making the air around it shine with a gorgeous heavenly glow, the glittery snowfall was beautiful and yet simple, and the Canadian couldn't help but stare at the window with longing.

Instead of being outside, he was stuck in a small room that was overcrowded by books and papers, which reeked of a stuffy old mildew smell that made him want to gag.

'It's just going to be a quick meeting, nothing important,' he muttered to himself trying to calm his, 'on edge,' nerves.

Canada jumped as the door suddenly opened and a short, but terribly disheveled man hurried in with a stack of obviously unorganised papers in his arms.

"Terribly sorry for the wait, but I had some things to take care of~" The man hummed and placed the papers on the desk. Canada gave a slightly awkward smile and waved his hand as if to say, 'it's fine.' He had dealt with this human many times before and was definitely used to his rushed and messy demeanour.

A sudden wave of anxiety overtook him as he realised he didn't remember the human's name.

For a brief second Canada's smile faltered and a look of worry flashed on his face. He never had any trouble with memory before. (After all nations had very strong memories and practically photographic memories when it came to names)

Living for as long as they do, memory was one of the most important aspects of their immortality. Without it.. Well, he wasn't entirely sure, but Canada always suspected they'd go insane.

Forgetting something so soon was.. Pretty frightening.

Canada shook his head and tuned back into what the man was rambling on about. Still, in the back of his mind the thought of forgetting the human's name bothered him.

'Now if this was my actual leader I wouldn't have this problem,' Canada thought with a twinge of bitterness.

Normally he should have been talking to his country's actual leader in this situation, but he was busy and Canada didn't want to cause problems, so he was okay with talking to someone else.

'As long as what's said is passed along, it doesn't matter who I talk with..' He thought once more, but once again a small piece of himself didn't actually believe it.

"S-So what is the reason for this meeting?" He asked, attempting to sound professional while simultaneously avoiding eye contact and shuffling his feet.

It wasn't that he didn't know how to talk or act properly, it was more that the foreboding feeling in the pit of his stomach caused him to get tongue tied, which embarrassed him, and when he got embarrassed he practically fell apart. Canada knew he became quieter and more clumsy when he was nervous or embarrassed, he knew, but had no idea how to prevent it.

"I mean.. I didn't do anything wrong.. Right?" Canada whispered, his voice shook slightly and he mentally cursed himself for how weak he must have looked.

"No," the man sighed as he ran his fingers through the rat nest he called hair, "You haven't done anything wrong, it's more like.. How should I explain it?" He questioned while looking at Canada with a piercing gaze.

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