15: Merlot Tension

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Rage gripped me with a viselike grip. Anger thrummed through my veins and I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming profanities.

I told her I'd wait for her but she, she replaced me!

Did my feelings mean nothing to her?! Am I some play toy that she can just throw away when she's already bored?

All of this is just rotten. His hand arpund her waist, his lips on hers, did she ever love me?

And to top it all off, engaged?! She just barely got out of highschool and she's allowing her mother to do that to her?

What a joke!

Lisa seemed to noticed that I was staring rather intensely at the couple on stage so she gently squeezed my arm and said, "Let's go find a table and I'll see if I can get some decent non-miniature sized food here."

I nodded as she brought me to an empty table and disappeared into the sea of people to look for some food that could hopefully help me get through this gala.

I watched as this new Haewon walk around the venue, greeting guests alongside her so-called fiancé. Every step she took, it was like a part of the real her died. This wasn't Haewon, this was a coward.

A coward who had died to society's expectations of a CEO's daughter. It would be an understatement to say I was angry rather than happy to see her today. I was livid.

She didn't fight for what she wanted. She didn't fight for me.

And here I am watching as she is wrapped in another man's arms so submissively.

It was disgusting.

She had lost her fire.

But somehow it wasn't what was making me the most frustrated. I was torn because she was in another man's arms.

To my surprise, I watched as both of them approach the table I was in with so much ease. I raised brow at how calm Haewon looked so I couldn't help but say, "What brings the lovely couple to this table?"

Haewon seemed to catch onto my sarcastic tone but Eunwoo didn't so he replied, "Actually this is our table but since there's no other seat left, you could gladly take the free seat."

Yet, despite the fact that she caught on that I was annoyed by the sight of her and him together she just smiled and offers her hand for a handshake as she says, "Long time no see Jungkook, how has your parents' company been doing?"

"It's been faring well," I said with gritted teeth and she merely smiled at my subtle frustration.

"You two know each other?," Eunwoo asked her and she just nodded and said, "I mean how could I not, he was not only my classmate but the golden boy of the high school I used to go to before I went to London, it's quite hard to miss if he has a swarm of fan girls always following him."

"Actually, I used to court her," I said to spite her and Eunwoo raised his brow in confusion and asked, "Is he-."

"It's alright Eunwoo, clearly Jungkook hasn't gotten over getting rejected by me," she teased which only made me even more frustrated.

I discreetly gripped the table cloth so that I had some sort of way to channel my anger.

She was acting arrogant and like she was above me. I hated that with a passion.

Thankfully Lisa arrived as she said, "Hey Jungkook I found these almost regular sized sandwiches so I guess this is like non-miniature-"

I deftly took the plate from her hand and gently placed it on the table then I softly grabbed her jaw and pulled her into a soft kiss. Lisa was surprised but kissed back. She probably realized it would've been awkward if she didn't.

I then moved to gently kiss her cheek so that I could whisper to her, "Just play along, the girl is pissing me off."

She then subtly nodded and surprisingly cupped my cheek to pull me in for a deeper kiss then moved to kiss my cheek so she could whisper, "Tell me in advance next time so we can put on a better show."

I felt my cheeks grow warm since this was the first time I had ever heard her speak so dominant but I kept my composure. I then heard Haewon clear her throat and say, "How about you introduce to us first to this lovely lady before you decide to make out in front of us."

I almost burst into laughter seeing Haewon's eye twitch as Lisa and I settled into our seats. Yet she immediately switched to a smile you could think was genuine if you weren't me.

I smiled back and said, "This is my girlfriend, Lisa, and she's been really nice to me." I then looked at Lisa lovingly and she followed suit then said, "And I hope, our parents will finally make the move with the partnership so that we too can be engaged, oh I forgot to ask, when are you two getting married?"

"After we graduate university," she replied as she lovingly leaned on Eunwoo's shoulder to match the flirty energy I was displaying with Lisa.

I was ready to just walk out because I couldn't stand the sight but I decided to keep it going by pretending like there was something on Lisa's lips.

I used my thumb to gently trace her bottom lip then said, "Don't leave any crumbs when you eat okay? The only thing that should be on your lips is my lips."

Lisa blushed all shades of red and began to get extremely flustered so I moved to tuck her hair behind her ear so that I could whisper, "I'm sorry about this, just endure it for a little longer."

She nodded and thankfully I heard Haewon clear her throat to get our attention then say, "If you'll excuse me, I'll just go to the comfort room to relieve myself."

I took that as a sign that I had finally won this little game so I said, "If you'll excuse me as well, I need to get some air."

So then I began following her. Making sure I properly weaved through people so that her fiancé wouldn't have any suspicions.

Finally as the music of the event started to get quiter and all I could hear were my footsteps and the clicking of her feels on the tiles, I looked around to see if there were other people.

Seeing there was no one else around, I caught up to her and grabbed her by the wrist and pinned her to a nearby wall. I then leaned to the point I could hear her breathe then said, "Who taught you to act like such a b*tch and pretend we don't have history?"

"Let me go Jungkook," she said as she struggled against my grip, her breathing getting faster with our close proximity.

I was about to say something until I heard the sound of people approaching.  Knowing that just stepping away from her would still look suspicious, I spotted a nearby janitor's closet and pulled her in with me.

The place was a tight fit so our chests were pressed against each other unintentionally. Despite the dim lighting, I was still able to look at her angry yet sad looking eyes.

"What happened to you? You became a slave to your mother's wants and engaged? You couldn't even accept being engaged to me," I said and she just replied, "You already know the reason why I refused."

"And so? I'd rather be ruined by you over and over again than see you with another man," I said and she just laughed in disbelief.

"Stop acting like a kid, grow up and just accept the circumstances, you're not gonna have everything you want at your fingertips," she pointed out but I didn't care about that so I said, "Did you ever love me?"

She stayed silent and for me it spoke volumes.

I too laughed in disbelief then said, "I knew it, you're just a snake, a manipulator and a massive liar-"

Out of nowhere she slapped me hard on the cheek. When I finally I was able to look at her face again while I cupped my cheek in pain, I saw the dim image of her eyes glassy with tears.

She then said, "You don't know who I am now or what are my motives so keep your slanderous comments to yourself."

Haewon peaked through the slim gaps of the janitor's closet and said quietly, "Finally, no people."

She immediately bust the doors open and left me speechless with what she said.

She was right, I really don't know who she is now.

 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔 | J.JKTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon