Sadness And Laughter With A Side Of Shipping

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The first person to enter the meeting room was Alfred who began to rearrange the chairs. 

"Ayiana what exactly is your son doing?" Remus asked as he, and everyone else, blinked at the screen in confusion. And all Ayiana could do was shrug, she knew just as much as they did. 

When the other nations entered the meeting room they seemed just as baffled at the American's actions. 

"Wait I think he's making it so neither Francis or Allistor is sitting next to Arthur" Genevieve commented as she leaned in closer. 

"He did see what the next entry would be, maybe he's trying to prevent a fight" Erik remarked. 

"Alfred you bloody wanker what are you doing?" Arthur asked baffled as he took his seat next to the American. Said American just gave him a large smile.   

"Don't worry about it Artie" He said cheerfully which caused Arthur's eyebrow to twitch angrily.

"What have I told you about calling me that!" Arthur yelled angrily causing Alfred to laugh. It seemed like Arthur was about to start ranting but Ludwig was quick to stop that in its tracks by getting everyone's attention. 

"I would like to read Ludwig" Francis said only for Alfred stand up and start waving his arms about.   

Everyone raised an eyebrow at this, maybe it was more then just a fight he was worried about. 

"No you can't!" Alfred shouted worriedly causing everyone to give him confused looks.

"And why not Alfred?" Francis asked with a baffled look on his face.

"Because.. um.. uh... My bro Mattie totally want's to read but.. uh he was to worried everyone would ignore him to ask" Alfred stuttered out before plastering on a large grin as he sunk down into his chair. 

"Bad delivery but good excuse" Remus commented offhandedly and the others nodded in agreement. 

Matthew raised an eyebrow at his brother but accepted he book from Ludwig none the less. The Canadian's eyes widened a fraction when he read the entry. 

"It's not a diary entry, but a statement" He said which caused a few more nations to become much more interested in what it was. 

The ancients also became more interested. 

She's the Jeanne to his Francis. He loved and adored her while she was alive. He still loves and adores her even in death. Allistor will never say it out loud, but sometimes he asks for her guidance when he really needs it. He misses her. 

Alicia and Genevieve frowned sadly at this. 

"Well now we know why Alfred didn't want Francis to read or for him and Allistor to be next to Arthur" Ayiana said softly and the others just nodded, except for Genevieve and Alicia who were lost in their own heads. 

Arthur flinched violently as he noticed the devastated expressions on both Allistor's face and on Francis'.  Matthew gave Francis a concerned look before he glanced down at the next entry and his eyes softened further as he glanced at his brother.   

Ayiana clasped her hands together worriedly. 

He remembers the warmth of his mother's love and he misses her greatly. 

Ayiana sighed softly at this, she missed him as well. 

Alfred frowned sadly at this. He glanced up when he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw his brother giving him a soft smile which he returned.   

"Can I read now birdie?" Gilbert asked and Matthew nodded before he handed his friend the book. The Prussian eagerly glanced at the next entry only to bite his lip to keep himself from laughing.   

Everyone subconsciously relaxed at this, laughter was a good sign. 

"Oh mein gott" He whispered to himself trying hard not to laugh which caused his brother and Roderich to give him confused looks. He cleared his throat and with great difficulty read the entry aloud.   

Germany had a huge some what awkward crush on France. 

Everyone burst out laughing at this except for for Burkhard who just groaned. 

Ludwig's whole face went bright red as everyone began to laugh. Everyone but Feliciano who was frowning grumpily to himself.   

Romulus and Remus shared an amused expression at this. 

"I never knew you thought of me in such a way Ludwig" Francis said teasingly which only made Ludwig's face go even brighter as he chanted nein under his breath over and over again.   

"Poor Ludwig" Akila giggled in amusement. 

Gilbert laughed some more before he glanced at the next entry. His eyes widened in surprise before a sly smirk appeared on his face.   

A few people raised curious eyebrows at this. 

Dear Diary,

Remember that proposal of Spain's? I never said no... - Romano

Everyone winced when Athena squealed and started running around screaming about shipping it. Everyone just chose to ignore her, it was become far to common. 

Lovino's face went bright red before he ran straight out of the meeting room with Antonio hot on his heels.   

Athena just squealed louder. 

"I think now would be a good time to break for lunch" Ludwig said, his still a little pink, before he got up and power walked out of the room Feliciano following him. 

Romulus and Remus tried to smother their smirks at this. 

Everyone shared a look before shrugging and getting up and leaving the room. Before he got up Gilbert glanced at the entry and couldn't help but to smirk at what he saw, his eyes trailed away from the entry to stare at the retreating figures of two of the Nordic's.   

Erik raised a curious eyebrow at this, Gilbert didn't seemed shocked or sad so it was probably a happy entry. Probably. 

"So we could either take a break or we could stalk one of the kids" Romulus commented which caused the others to give him a deadpanned look. 

"Break it is then" He remarked before he dragged Remus off so that they could chat. The others eventually formed their own little groups and started talking about what they had seen so far. 

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