Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

She’s been calling Francis for the last 20 minutes but it just goes to his voice message.

“he’s not answering it… ughhhh I told you this was a bad idea” Mary said to Kenna

“uhm no, you didn’t… when I handed you Francis’ number you got too excited and dialed his number as quick as you can” Kenna said to Mary teasingly

“I did not! But that’s not the point, even if he does pick up, what am I going to say to him?” Mary asked

“well… I don’t know… uhm tell him that you love his songs on the CD that he gave you?” Kenna said trying to come up with a good advice

“that sounds pretty lame though” Mary said as he stares at her cell phone screen

“he said that he wanted to know your thoughts about his recordings, right? It isn’t lame” Kenna said

“well ..” Mary mumbled

“oh for God’s sakes  Mary, just call him” Kenna said impatiently

“fine, fine! But  if I screw up this conversation, I’m gonna blame you” Mary said jokingly

(Meanwhile in Bash and Francis’ room)

 “young man, your phone has been ringing for hours nowww” Bash as he watched Francis emerge from the bathroom, his hair still wet and a clean white towel  was wrapped around his waist

“well sorry old man, I was in the shower” Francis said while laughing

“ I know, I just saw you came out of the bathroom, and the floor’s now wet because you’re walking all over the room… seriously, put some clothes  on and answer your phone, it’s getting annoying“ Bash said as typed something on his laptop

“jeez Bash, as you can see, I’m still looking for my phone” Francis said as he looks for his phone under one of the pillows, it already stopped ringing making it harder for Francis to find its location.

“found it!” Francis said seconds later

“where did you hide it this time?” Bash said

“haha I didn’t hide it, I just completely forgot where I put it” Francis replied

“the caller was from an unregistered number” Francis added a few seconds later

“well aren’t you gonna call him/ her back, maybe it’s important… or maybe it’s Maaaaryyy?” Bash said adding noticeable emphasis on ‘Mary’ as if trying to imply something

“you think so?” Francis said with hope in his voice

“yeah, but if you’re going to call her back please put some clothes on first” Bash said looking a bit annoyed

“you already said that” Francis said

“it’s worth repeating, now go put some clothes on, you’re still dripping and wet and just so you know, I set the AC to ‘beyond freezing’ Bash said exaggeratingly

“jeez Bash, why do you always do that, it’s always freezing in our room, it’s like living in the north pole” Francis said complaining

“cos I’m cool like that” Bash stated while smirking

“there’s a joke in there somewhere… but I can’t seem to find it” Francis said teasingly, Bash just shot him an annoyed look. Francis quickly grabbed his clothes and went to his side of the room.

(Meanwhile in Kenna and Mary’s room)

“maybe it’s a sign that I shouldn’t be calling him” Mary said disappointed

“oh please don’t give me that crap…try again, he was probably busy a while ago” Kenna said comforting Mary

Mary dialed his number once more, and after several seconds of waiting, he finally answered

“hello?” he said on the other side of the line

“uhm hi… it’s Mary” Mary shyly said, she’s obviously not good on phone conversations

There was a long pause so she spoke again

“uhm you gave me your CD, and I-uhh just called to say that it was really good… the CD I mean… uhm, are you still there?” Mary said fearing that Francis already hung up on her after realizing that she’s boring to talk to

“ohh yes” Francis said with delight in his voice

“I mean… yes I’m still here and yes! I’m really glad that you liked it” Francis quickly added, he has never been so nervous during a phone call before, but he’s definitely nervous now

“uhm so… do you have classes tomorrow?” Francis asked

“yes, how about you?” Mary said as she rewards herself with a face palm for her greatest reply ever “oh God I’m the most boring person in the whole galaxy” she said to herself

“I don’t have classes tomorrow and I—uhm… I was just wondering if I can walk you to class… again?” Francis shyly asked

“you don’t have to” Mary said as she tries to sound calm when in truth she’s already internally screaming

“that’s the same thing you said to me last time” Francis said teasingly

“yeah… yet you insisted anyway” Mary said with a wide grin on her face, thank God, Francis couldn’t see her freaking out right now

“so… see you tomorrow?” Francis asked

“see you” Mary said with a cheerful tone before she hung up and slowly walked to her bed… seconds later, her phone vibrated

Good night xx


And by that she lie down on her bed and tries to control her emotions

“careful darling, you might die from happiness right here and now” Kenna as she smiles at Mary

“you’re welcome” Kenna added, trying to get Mary’s attention

“uhm sorry what?” Mary said while still grinning from ear to ear

“you should thank me for forcing you to call Francis” Kenna informed Mary

“oh! Thank you thank you my dear friend!” Mary said as she walks to Kenna’s bed to give her a bear hug

“jeez Mary, you don’t need to squeeze me you know” Kenna said

“you love me anyway” Mary said as she walks back to her bed joyfully.

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