Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"my mom's going to kill me for sure" Mary said as she buries her face in her hands

"it's Francis' child, right?" Kenna asked innocently

"of course it's Francis'! I have never been with anyone else" Mary replied feeling frustrated, she wants to bang her head on the wall for being too careless, but at the same time, she brings her hand on top of her abdomen, there's no baby bump yet but she can already feel the life forming inside of her. Her child, her and Francis' child, it's just too bad they're no longer together, in another life, if her pregnancy happened a lot later, she would have been a thousand times happier, of course, she's happy now but also equally terrified, she doesn't even know how to live on her own yet, much more, raise her own child.

"will you tell him?" Kenna asked, wanting so hard to help her friend but has no idea how

"I basically told him to get out of my life, Kenna. And even if I do tell him... he—he cheated on me, remember? He has a girlfriend back there in London, I don't want him to go back to me just because he feels guilty that he got me pregnant" Mary said with sadness in her eyes, tears already making her visions blur

"so you won't tell him? Ever?"

"I don't know" Mary answered, because she truly doesn't know what to do at this point.

"but this explains everything, you know, you being pregnant and all. Your mood swings, your very sensitive sense of smell, you even get nauseous all the time, and I'm actually quite surprised that you're not throwing up—" Kenna said and as if on cue Mary quickly got up from her bed and ran toward the bathroom

"I think I'm gonna be si—" Mary said as she runs hurriedly, Kenna can hear her throwing up from where she's sitting

"ugh fuck" Mary groans as she quickly ties her hair in a ponytail

"do you want me to hold your hair back for you?" Kenna shouted from the other side of the room

"No thanks, I'm pregnant, not helpless" Mary muttered before feeling another urge to throw up, this will take a lot of getting used to, Mary says to herself.


"okay that's enough" Bash said as he tries to get the bottle of beer off of Francis' hand but fails miserably

"leave me alone" Francis said as he tries to protect the bottle in his hands like a child protecting his candy

"oh wait.., that's funny. Mary told me those exact same words at the club. Ha! I flew all the way from London only to hear those words... Seriously, I only left her for 2 months! 2 fucking months, Bash! How can she change so quickly" Francis said almost bitterly

"I didn't even get an explanation. I have so many questions, you know? But she just left me there, standing like an idiot, in the middle of the crowd" Francis continues to rant as he drinks his beer

"this beer tastes awful. Everything tastes awful"

"you should get some sleep, Francis. You've had enough" Bash said as he tries to help Francis stand from the couch

"oh you are so right, brother. I've really had enough, I've had far too much and I am so done with this, with everything, really. If she doesn't want anything to do with me... then, I don't want anything to do with her either, problem solved." Francis said rather triumphantly, but he didn't feel any better, maybe he just needs to convince himself more. Bash on the other hand, was relieved when Francis stopped babbling for a whole minute, but was slightly annoyed when he started talking again after a minutes of silence, he really can't wait for his brother to be sober.

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