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I am Beyond Birthday. I lived at Wammy's house, an orphanage for exceptionally smart orphans. Now some of these orphans were just orphans. Others, like I, were given letters that they went by. I was the backup for the main successor of L. The main successor was A. I didn't like being called backup so I gave myself a name. Beyond. I went by this name all the way until I tried to surpass L. This is a story for another time though. Beyond Birthday was what I used for my full name. I was born with the eyes of a shinigami. This was a gift and a curse at the same time. The frustrating part to this is you can't see your own lifespan. With the eyes of a shinigami you can see a persons real name and their lifespan. This was a helpful thing if you were someone like Kira. Even just thinking of him makes me wince. Anyway back to me. I was trying to surpass L. But to make this interesting I'm going to see what would happen if I met Ryuk. What happens will probably make you wonder if this is better for L or me. So let's get started.

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