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"do we really need milk?" mingyu groans, not wanting to spend another 2000 won on a carton of milk which would probably spoil in the fridge.

"you wanna eat cereal dry?" seokmin rolls his eyes, chucking the milk into their trolley pointedly. "we'll split the cost. don't worry."

"you know how broke i am," mingyu whines.

"bro, we're all in the same boat," seokmin says, "and that boat is the titanic. we're all sinking. but we're in it together."

mingyu sighs at the reference to that american musical hansol had made them watch last night. it had good music, but mingyu was more annoyed at the fact that hansol kept talking throughout the movie, complaining that the subtitles weren't accurate enough and that they should all just become fluent in english to 'properly appreciate this masterpiece'.

"please don't burst out into song here," mingyu warns seokmin, who he knew had a tendency to sing loudly whenever he felt like it, "the world doesn't work like high school musical. no one's going to join you in some impromptu flash mob."

"which is why i keep saying this world is boring," seokmin says sadly, "nothing exciting ever happens. everyone's the same old normal."

"i'd like it to stay that way," mingyu says contentedly. they head to the counter to pay for their groceries, seokmin insisting he'd pay first and they'd figure out how to split it with their other two roommates upon reaching the dorm.

mingyu checks his bank account on the way back to their dorm and groans loudly, attracting the attention of nearby strangers, who give him quizzical and somewhat judgemental looks. seokmin smiles sheepishly at them, grabbing mingyu's arm and pulling him along faster.

"sometimes i can't tell if people are staring at you because you're hot, or because you're being an idiot," seokmin says with a laugh.

mingyu looks at seokmin, annoyed, but accepts it. "i can't help being stupid, you know."

seokmin laughs brightly and ruffles mingyu's hair. "i'm joking. you're not as stupid as you seem."

"am i meant to take that as a compliment?" mingyu raises his eyebrow.

they reach their door after a painstaking wait for the elevator (they only live on the fourth floor, but neither felt like trudging up the stairs carrying groceries), and knock loudly, hoping that either of their roommates are in.

"coming," a voice yells from inside, much to their relief. the door opens a few seconds later, revealing a dripping minghao, a towel wrapped lazily around his waist and a shirt seemingly thrown on three seconds ago. "oh, you could've just said it was you. i wouldn't have bothered putting on a shirt."

"sorry for all the trouble," mingyu scoffs, pushing past him and plopping the groceries down onto the counter.

"where's hansol?" seokmin asks as minghao returns to the bathroom to finish changing.

"he went out with seungkwan," minghao says from the bathroom. he returns to the kitchen a second later, grabbing a chocolate bar from a grocery bag and tearing it open.

"hey!" mingyu protests, "that's mine."

"not anymore," minghao waves the bar tauntingly, causing mingyu to try snatch it back. minghao's too fast; he whips his hand away at the last second, and mingyu nearly loses his balance from swinging his arm too hard.

"seokmin," mingyu whines, "hold minghao down for me."

"we've got like ten more chocolate bars, calm down," seokmin says, dumping out the contents of the bags. he proceeds to put the milk and other vegetables in the fridge while mingyu berates minghao for stealing his chocolate bar.

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