5. Butterflies & Badgers

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"I have climbed this hill and I shall die on it!" I declared, dropping my shoulders. I had fought a long and hard battle- this I knew- and after years of fighting, I was ready for surrender. Years of toil and anguish had prepared me for this moment- 

"Clover, it's only ten minutes into Transfiguration!" 

Classes, naturally, started on Monday, and I was not at all happy about it.

Time had flown by at Hogwarts- assignments set, due, done, the cold had set in, digging its icy claws into the warm castle, leaves were falling, flowers had bloomed, crumpled, and fallen.

The nightmares that have haunted me since the first week had been temporarily banished when Artemis suggested having a relaxing routine to take away the stress of the day and something comforting I could hang onto.

The tea I am more than fine with.

The stuffed fox, however, I did not see coming. 

Artemis had blushed furiously when she gave it to me, mumbling something about connections in Hogsmead (as to where she got it), something about I didn't have to take it- I hugged her. And then told her to go away. And then fell asleep with the fox, named, of course, "Ezra"- part of Artemis's full name, Artemis Ezra- Sanders. 

Isn't that cool? Her initials are AES, which is also every two letter of her name.  Artemis

"Miss Hawkings, perhaps you would like to tell us how to welcome our guests."

Professor McGonagall's voice cut sharp. I just stared. What? 

"Our visiting schools, Drumstrang and Beauxbatons," she clarified, but I still had no idea what she was talking about.

"Ummm, don't punch them?" 

"Setting the bar a little low,'' McGonagall sniffed, and I suddenly recall my first meeting with Artemis."I want you all to remember the Tournament is not an opportunity to forget or skip off our academic studies. We must be kind and respectful of our guests, and show our best- and, as Miss Hawkings so wisely said, "do not punch them"- but remember, your OWLs are this year, and I expect you all to do your absolute best."

I nodded importantly, hoping this would cover up for me not having any idea what she's talking about. 

"Now, in today's lesson, you will be getting into pairs and transfiguring this goblet into a life form. As you know from our last class, life forms are ranked in transfiguration from earthworms and other insects to a magical being, like a dragon or phoenix. The pair with the highest form in the next hour wins. You may choose your groups- go!" 

"Work with me?" I ask Alura, who's conveniently next to me. About, hm, yesterday, I realized that her terrifying glare and sass only applied to people that weren't "friends".  I'm still not sure if I'm in that category. 

"Sure," she said, placing the goblet Professor McGonagall handed out between us. 

I jabbed my wand and mutter an incantation under my breath, and- to my amazement and delight- the goblet turned into a raven. 

"Nice!" Alura said above its loud crowing, "now how do we get it to shut up?" 


"Silenco!" she agreed, waving her wand, and giving it an extra twirl that caused blue butterflies to shoot out the end of her wand. "Whoops."  

I laughed. "I like them."

She grinned. "Now what?" 

"There's a cat," I offered, "or dog."

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