2. « a new friend »

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2. ain't no rest for the wicked - cage the elephant

3. no type - new beat fund

4. girls do what they want - the maine

5. strong reflection - mars red sky

6. junk of the heart (happy) - the kooks

(none of these songs really related to the plot, i just like them!!)



I was listening to Mr. Bradford, the physical education teacher, finalize his speech about expectations for the upcoming school year when the bell rang, signaling the first day was finally over. I walked out of the gymnasium, and heading to my locker to collect my things.

After I switched out the books I didn't need for the ones I did and gathered my belongings, I headed to the parking lot to meet Maeve. I exited the school's large front doors and walked slowly to the lot. I took my time, observing my surroundings, and hoped she would find me first. I had no idea what kind of car she drove, or where to meet her in the lot.

She must've telepathically heard my thoughts, because I suddenly heard someone call out, "Y/N! Over here."

I smiled and speed-walked a little too enthusiastically over to her. I guess I was just really desperate and excited for a potential friend.

"Hey," I greeted politely once I finally reached her.

"Need a ride?"

"Sure." I tried to play it cool and not seem like a weirdo on the outside, but inside I was super thankful and excited about her kindness towards me. It felt nice to have real interactions with people my age.

We hopped in the car and she turned on the radio. Immediately, rock music blared through the radio system. She had good taste.

"Shit. Sorry 'bout that." She turned the radio down and pulled out of the parking lot and then out of Moordale's entry way.

"No, no it's fine. I actually enjoy rock music very much." I was happy we had something in common so far, other than just being each other's peers.

She smiled and turned the radio up to a good volume and started singing along with the song. And by singing, I mean screaming. I laughed a little bit and joined along after picking up some of the lyrics. After the song ended, she turned down the radio again and started to make conversation.

"So, is it alright if we just hang at a park or something, yeah?"

"Fine by me." I politely replied.

The rest of the ride was fairly silent, other than the radio. Maeve pulled into an abandoned building complex and did a half-assed parking job, but it was okay since it was just us.

She climbed out of the driver's side and placed herself on the hood of the car. I followed her actions and pulled my feet up to my chest once I was situated on the hood.

Maeve turned around and dug through her school bag while I stared patiently into the sky.

"Want a smoke?" She held two cigarettes and a lighter in her hand.

I normally didn't self-indulge, but I made an exception for the occasion (you know, the fact that I had actually made a friend after months of loneliness). After lighting her own cigarette, she passed the lighter to me, and I did the same. I set the lighter down on the car and took a long drag, letting the smoke burn my throat a little.
{quick A/N: if you don't smoke/condone smoking, just skip this part :) }

Maeve and I sat in semi-comfortable silence as we both worked on our cigarettes. It felt strange. I was a little uncomfortable because I always am nervous around new people, but I was so thrilled to be in the company of another person that I ignored my anxiousness.

"So, Y/N, what's your story?" She inquired, seeming genuinely interested in what I might have to say.

"Well, I moved here from Y/H/T {*your home town} in March of last year, so I've only been at Moordale for a few months. I live with my mum, my father is out of the picture, um, I don't do sports. But I really like art and music. School is pretty much my whole life, I don't really do much else. Um, I have no siblings. I'm pretty boring." I hated this question because I wasn't really a spectacular person. I did average things and lived and average life. I am boring, and I am aware of it.

"Now you go." I kind of hated having the attention on myself. Correction: I really hated having the attention on myself.

She nodded and proceeded to tell me bits and pieces of her life, nothing too informative, which I respected because we had just met. She seemed reserved, just as I was, and it made me feel a little bit more comfortable with my own shyness.

After she finished, we sat in silence, finishing our smokes. I enjoyed the comfortable silence; nothing needed to be said, so nothing was said. 

Maeve finally broke the silence, "Wanna head home, Y/N?"

I nodded my head, knowing that there wasn't much left for us to do. We both got back into the car, and Maeve started the engine. She pulled out of the lot, and started back on the main road. 

"Where do you live?"

"Oh right, uh, *your address here*."

"Oh wow, that's the great big green house near the water, right?"

Well this is weird.

"Uh, yeah. How do you know that?"

"That's my dream house. I pass by on the way to school every day. It's beautiful. You have a lovely house." Her face beamed at the thought of the beautiful house I called my home.

Okay, not so weird anymore.

"Oh, well, thank you." I gave her a polite smile. "What's your house like?"

Her smile disappeared quickly. "Quite shit."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

There was an awkward silence between us again. I didn't mean to make her feel shitty about her house. I needed to say something to make her feel better, she was kind of all I had right now.

"Well, Maeve, you're welcomed at my house any time, if you'd like, of course."

She looked over at me and gave me a small smile, "Thanks."

The rest of the ride was silent, again, except for the faint noise of the radio. 

She approached my house and I gathered my things and exited the car. 

"See you tomorrow, Y/N." 

"See you tomorrow, Maeve."

She pulled off, and I walked inside my house. Mum greeted me with a hug. "How was your day, sweetheart?"

"Better than expected, I might have even made a new friend." I smiled 

This had been the best first day in a long time.



hey guys!!

i know this chapter might be lacking in content, but i needed to set up your friendship with Maeve for what is coming in the next chapter... (hint... y/n X otis *finally*)

i hope you enjoyed. have a good day. leave a comment (if ya want).


leigh }

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