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Jiyeon's POV

"You guys didn't even tell me sooner..." Jungkook said looking at the others.

We're currently at BTS' dorm right now explaining the situation.

Thinking how will he move on I interrupted them, "She's happy now don't worry." I tried to cheer him up.
Karma for her.

The others nodded.

I looked at Jungkook examining his features out of boredom. Mixed feelings are always there whenever I'm with him. I just don't know why.

What's this feeling?

He looked at me back catching me staring at him, shoot.

Why am I red?

He chuckled and caught everyone's attention on the both of us.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung said in confusion, "Nothing." I trailed off. Mentally hitting myself of embarrassment.

"Let's go get ice cream?" Jin said that made me think that he was already hungry.



As we all walked with ice cream in our hands and others playing with each other Jungkook and I were the only one having a normal conversation.

"How's the break up?" I asked him.

Wait, how dumb of you Jiyeon..

"It's okay, she got really clingy that I felt uncomfortable..." He trailed off looking at his hyungs that are having fun. "You're okay with it?" I asked him yet again, he nodded in response while eating his ice cream.

"Of course." He stated, I sighed and looked at the starry sky with amaze in my eyes.

Jungkook's POV

I watched Jiyeon stare at the sky smiling slightly. She smiled brightly making my heart flutter.

Why am I flustered?

"You said that you're not moved on still." She stated as her smile is gone, "I can surprise you a lot." I replied as I walked with her going home. "You're really unexpected." She laughed as we bid goodbye to the others "BYEEEEE!" Taehyung yelled waving his arms at us both.

Jiyeon laughed again looking back at her best friend, "Bye Taehyung!"

I waved again looking back.


We spent the whole night chatting and laughing together. I got to know Jiyeon better "I'm gonna audition tomorrow." She stated, her childhood dream was coming true yet she isn't that excited for modelling. She just grew out of it. "Good luck." I supported yawning, she chuckled "Let's sleep, goodnight Jungkook." She said going to her room.



I woke up and got ready, seeing Jiyeon wearing something preppy.

She isn't that girl that wears skirts and headbands that much but it's for the job. "I grew out of modelling, but I think I can do it..?" She questioned herself drinking water as she saw me walking to her.

"Trust me, you can do it." I supported her.

"Why didn't you let me decline it?" She whined. I laughed "I'm sure you can do it!" I supported her yet again.

She pouted while nodding her head taking in my support.



Jiyeon's POV

As I walked in the building a lot of people were there waiting.

"Wait is that Jiyeon?"


I heard a female voice saying my name, I turned around and see girls sitting down.

Who called me?

I ignored it and proceeded to sit right next to the girls. One of them looked pressed as I felt like recognizing the woman. Long black hair tied up in a ponytail, red lipstick perfectly matching her outfit, and almond eyes.

Why am I not ignoring her yet?

She looks so familiar to me that I continued to examine her looks.

"Kim Chungha!"

A woman called the girl.

She walked to the audition room.

Chungha...sounds familiar.

"Your sister is auditioning you think she's going to get applied?" A girl whispered to her friend which seems to be Chungha's sister. "Of course she's talented and has the looks. She will do it." She replied smiling sweetly.

I continued to eavesdrop to their conversation if they will ever mention my name.

"Of course as expected from Jennie Kim." The girl rolled her eyes sarcastically.

Jennie chuckled and waited for her sister to finish.

"Why did Chungha-unnie say "Jiyeon" though?" Her friend questioned.

I wanted to listen to their conversation clearly to see why.

I saw Jennie's gummy smile drop as her friend mentioned my name.

" She was our cousin...but someone took her away. "

I gasped, making someone besides me startled. "Hey, are you okay? My name is Solar by the way?" She chirped in. I looked at her, "Yes I'm just nervous." I responded shyly. "My name is Jiyeon."

She chuckled, "Don't worry." She smiled reassuringly.


As time went by‚ everyone was called.

I was waiting for my name to be called but someone ran to me.

"JIYEON! YOU'RE GOING TO BE A MODEL WITHOUT TELLING US?!?" Taehyung and Jennie called me running to me panting.
I laughed awkwardly scratching my head "I was busy..." I told them Jennie sat besides me "Don't worry, I'll support you." She cheered for me. "Thank you." I smiled at her as Taehyung piped in; "Me too!" "Of course." I laughed again. "JIYEON!" A lady called me "I'll see you guys later!" I walked away from them as they nodded.


"We'll call you later." A manager said. They looked amazed and in awe after they saw and interviewed me. I bowed, "Yes."

I exited the room and see Taehyung and Jennie taking a nap while sitting down.
(Edited by Author; Oct 2, 2020)

"How was it?" Taehyung noticed me. Jennie woke up and was also expecting a positive answer. "It was great." I responded happily.

"Do you even know that they're gonna accept you?" Taehyung joked. "Yah, don't be like that!" Jennie and I said in unison. We exited the building looking at my phone, it's already late. "Guys, we need to get home early." I reminded them, they looked at me and shrugged "It's only 8:30 PM that's not late." Taehyung replied with sass. Jennie agreed, "Yeah Taehyung is right but we really need to go home."


They waved goodbye at me, as I opened the door.

I entered the room revealing Jin, Namjoon, and Jungkook eating pizza and watching a movie.

A mess.

"You're here." Jin looked at me. The others looked up and noticed me. "Go change and rest." Jungkook stated, "Yeah mom." I joked as I entered my room hearing laughter from Jin.


This chapter is rEALLYYYY long.

Btw, Zaneiah I changed the title you turns out my writing turned into a different one instead of a best friend concept here ;-;. I'll just make up to you next chapter.

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