|I Love You|Ray

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Hey! Another one-shot is here, boys and girl! This one was requested by Kitatani, I hope you'll enjoy this one shot!
______________________________________The sun have already been on the sky sharing the light with everyone.
"Today was going to be a good day" y/n said out loud. Sure, it was a good weather however, today y/n had a date with Ray.
Your heart was beating much faster Y/n was nervous but also excited.
"it's a surprise, just get ready and don't be late" you remember what that little sweet emo boy said.

After getting yourself ready, it was the time to go to the meeting point. The place to meet was the park. Why? Maybe to show you beautiful sides of nature but, you wasn't sure.
You've been walking to the park daydreaming. You've started imaginig the best scenarios and the worst. What will happen if someone attacks us? What if we are going to some kind of "fancy" restaurant and I'm just wearing a normal typical look?

"stop thinking too hard, you'll overheat your brain" you heard a rough tone, quite familiar. You looked behind yourself, only to find your date. You felt quite embarrassed. The two of you did a tiny conversation about 'how does your tiny brain work". It whole thing was just for fun and you did understand that.
Y/n wanted to ask about the date and the place they will go next but, the partner reminded silent.
"somewhere you' ll definitely like to be" those words broke the silence.
The boy have covered your eyes completely with his own hands. His hands felt really nice, you didn't bother to remove them.

"there, we're here" the emo boy said. He slowly removed his hands away from your eyes, just to see a tiny stars in your eyes.
A tiny smile appeared on his face. It was chocolate factory! (if u don't like chocolate then, imagine a different factory or just play along. OK?)
You two have entered to the factory.
There was many machines showing how a chocolate was made.
It was satisfying seeing a tiny things being melted, formed and more.

There was a man showing the process, you two love bird join to the man and the people listing.

There was only one activity ' chocolate making '. Y/n tried to create a flower for Ray. The chocolate dedicated for Ray looked like a flower but, it was quite messy. The boy give a small laugh, seeing you troubling with your work. After the activity, you gave each other a sweet present.

"heh, thank you y/n for that flower" the boy thank you. You could clearly tell that he likes it. There was a smile on his face, a happy one.
You have received a chocolate in a heart shape. The heart was covering both of you hands and, there was something said on it. It was "I love you". The words hit you right in you heart, you faced the boy and immediately buried your face in his t-shirt.
The boy stroke your hair with a smile on his face.
"I'm glad that you liked it"
That's all for today! The next one shot is going to be with our pure girl, Emma! Have a good rest of your day/night

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