Old and New Friend

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What started out for a normal day for most teenagers was a strange day for Katsa. She had no idea she would be getting her old friend back and save some wimpy blonde girl. She didn't know anything about the strange being that had appeared in the storage house saying he knew her, which was very odd. Nor did she enjoy having to get involved with other peoples problems. Yet here she was saving a girl who was also holding an odd monster who didn't seem to be very friendly to her so-called friend.

The morning started out as usual. Katsa was sleeping on the ground with just a dirty thin blanket over her and worn out pillow with cotton coming out the sides. Although she was used to it she wished she could live somewhere much better than this. "Well I guess I should get up and grab some breakfast." She said to herself, but it was more of a mumble since she was tired. She yawned and did her morning stretches before heading out into the beautiful morning. Hardly any clouds in the sky and the sound of waves crashing against the concrete wall that served as home to the storage boxes and her home.

She sighed and walked down the long road that connected to the markets that were always open in the morning. She had on just a pair of jeans with a blue sports bra and a pair of worn out tennis shoes with her hair flowing behind her in straight waves. She didn't know what to do and knew to those that didn't know her she must have looked messy, but of course she didn't care at all. She looked at each of the people with their shops. She knew all of them, but that was that. She went behind one of the stalls and just waited as a man came out the back. "Here you go Kat. Your daily dose of our finest fish. Listen I spoke with my boss and he said he could let you work here with us, but he wants an interview." The man said.

Katsa looked at him and somehow she felt a little happy that he cared enough to try and land her a job. "No thank you. I don't think that will be a good idea. You know me Sam." She said and handed the two dollars she had with her and took the bag.

"You sure? You can't just keep fighting in the streets to make a living. With you around we might get even more customers around." He said, but sighed when she kept shaking her head.

"Thanks Sam, but I already said no. I'll see you tomorrow." She said and just walked away back to the place she called home. Although when she got home she had an odd surprise waiting for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 ⏰

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