Past or Present?

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Past or Present?

Created By: Tillytheboss

My name is Ellie and I'm not some stupid blonde bimbo, who will whine and whine. Sure I'm hurt from what's happened. Will I cry if I see him or let alone talk to him again? Yes. But my parents just avoid the topic of him fully, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I mean he was my bestfriend, hell, he will probably always be, sure I have a few friends, mainly Jessica. We had to move to America for crying out loud, all because of him. My annoying sister Harper fan girls over this band that I don't care enough about to learn the name of and I try to avoid the mention of that annoying boy-band my sister obsesses over. Is it bad that I rather have my bestfriend that left me over my parents and sister? That boy was just perfect for me, like damn, why'd you gotta leave me? Take me with ya brotha! This is the boy I met on my first day in kindergarten. Who is this boy? You ask. Well children let me tell you. His name is Niall Horan.


Author of 'Best Fanfics I think you should read!!" A/N:


Love You All So Much,


P.S. Thxsm for all the reads! Everytime I see them they get higher, and the higher they get the bigger my smile gets. I know that sounds cliche, but who cares! lmao

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