Wanna practice together

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It was like Diana could sense when Jaemin was around because her head shot up to look up at him. She gave a little smile and tucked her hair back behind her ear as it slowly moved from behind it. Jaemin felt even more nervous then before.

"Erm do you wanna practice together?" Jaemin asked quietly. This was weird he only said Hi to her in the morning and a few questions in class when he didn't understand what they were doing or even when he dozed off but that rare.

"Oh! Sure." Diana moved her bookbag from the seat next to her and signaled Jaemin to take a seat next to her, "I was actually debating whether or not if I should go ask you."

Jaemin sat next to her and glanced over at his group of friends who were turing their head around from time to time, "What made you not come and ask me?" He asked as he looked over at her.

Diana gave a slight shrug, "Ummm well you do hang out with a lot of people. I think that made me rethink about asking you." She gave a tiny smile to him, "I never had many friends to begin with. Being around a big group sorta makes me uncomfortable. Oh I actually have a question for you?"

Jaemin wanted to ask why big groups made him uncomfortable but theb he rose his eyebrows when she said she had a question for him, "Ask away then." He said casually but also curious what her question was.

"Well I take that back. It's not really a question but I never knew June was your twin." Diana said as her eyes looked at the back of Jaemin's twin.

Jaemin couldn't help but laugh, "Yeah everyone is shocked to hear that June and I are actually twins. She's older by four minutes." He followed her eyes and saw June turn around. June smiled and gave a wave.

Jaemin waved back but suddenly stopped vefore rolling his eyes at June, "Not you idiot! I'm waving at Diana!" June said before giving another wave at Diana.

Diana sneaked a little laugh before looking at Jaemin. He looked annoyed with June as he pretended to flick her off. Diana bit her lip from laughing, "We should start practice. I don't wanna make a fool of myself when we have to be on stage." She said as she pointed at the first line on the front page.


"So how was talking to Diana?" Mark asked as they left the theatre room along with Jeno, Haechan, and Renjun. Haechan came in late because he had a dentist appointment but also because Mrs. Boo asked him to pick up some food for the after school meeting for the school play. He's apart of the head people who schedules the practices and everything else.
Chenle and Jisung headed to lunch with Chaewon and June since they all had different schedules.

"It was more like we spoke for 5 minutes and then practiced for half the class. I mean now I know half of the first scene." Jaemin said with a bright smile.

"I've never seen you soooooo goo goo ga ga over a girl before." Renjun said as he patted his bookbag like a drum. He always wore it in front of him never behind him. 'It's good to be different!' Renjun always told people who questioned him.

"Same. I don't think you even had a girlfriend." Jeno said as he plopped a gummy bear into his mouth, "Now that I think about it you've been single for half your teenage life!"

"I'm not in any rushhhh!" Jaemin complained as he clicked his tongue at Jeno.

"Wait? what?! Guys I'm late to school and I miss out on everything. WHO IS THIS GIRL?!" He yelled as he walked in front of them and held his arm out, "Ugh I miss everything and I hate it. All that good tea GONE. "

"Didn't you hear Mark say the name? It's Diana Sims." Renjun say in a matter-of-fact of voice.

"Diana Sims? You like her?" Haechan asked in surprised. Haechan let his arms down and tilted his head at Jaemin.

Jaemin paused for a moment and let the question float around the five of them, "I think I have interest in her." Jaemin corrected Haechan.

"I thought you said you liked her?" Jeno questioned, "How are you gonna change your words like that?"

"I never said I liked her! When did I say that? June probably said that not me." Jaemin said before walking, grabbing Haechan's arm. The two of them walked ahead of the rest from Jen's nonsense.

"I'm not the only one who heard Jaemin say he liked Diana right?" Jeno questioned looking at Renjun and Mark but the two just stared at each other and then back at him.

"You're going crazy." Renjun concluded.

"You should stop eating sweets so much. It's getting to your brain." Mark commented before following Jaemin and Haechan. Jeno scoffed before stuffing his bag of gummy bears in his pocket, "Don't ask for any later!"

Haechan slightly frowned at this new information as he walked next to Jaemin who was now conversing about the math test they and taken that morning without him. Jaemin has interest in Diana? He never knew that even before today... Diana had been in Haechan's head for awhile..

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