Happyily ever after??

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"Months passed and I was happier than I had ever been.. Your mother.. She was something else. She made me see a new side of myself that I had forgotten was there. We made so many great memories that year.. And then we graduated together and decided to get our own place. It was great and life finally felt somewhat normal. She was my sunshine. My hero. And my whole world.." I smiled at the memories of (y/n) rushing back.. "About a year later is when I came home to find out we were pregnant.. With.. Well with you!" I chuckled.


"Y/n!! I'm home!" I heard Ashton yell from the entrance. I couldn't move. I was paralyzed with shock as I sat there staring at the positive pregnancy test. We were to young... Ashton's gonna be pissed. A moment later he knocked on the door and when I didn't respond he opened the door.. "Y/n..?" His eyes moved from me to the positive test in my grasp. "Your pregnant?" He shouted excitedly.. Tears ran down your face as you mustered up a nod. "This is great y/n!!! I'm so happy! I'm gonna be a dad!! Oh my gosh we have to tell everyone!!" "You're not mad?" I choked out. "Mad?! Are you crazy? I've never been happier!" You smiled and tears of joy started rather than sad ones. He picked you up and twirled you. "WERE going to be parents!!!" You both started laughing with excitement. It wouldn't be easy but just like everything else you would get through it together and be happier than ever.


"I picked up some extra shifts at work and we started saving for you," "your mothers pregnancy was fairly normal and 9 months later we bought you home."

"You were so fussy at first and I would get so mad and frustrated because I wouldn't know how to calm you down.. But your mother she had a magic touch and new exactly what you wanted every time. We were a happy family. " "I finally decided to make us an official family a year later when I asked your mother to be my wife. She said yes. Her saying yes justified my existence. I loved her so much.. You did too..whether you remember or not."

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