Lies Beyond Comprehension

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In a few short weeks

(everything in) my life changed.

I want to say derailed, but

it was a long slow crash,

red flags snapping all the way.

Then, the other morning,

I awoke to snow filtering

through cedars in cascades

toward my window so slow

my heart skipped a beat.

How such beauty continues

lies beyond comprehension.

Mind stills and gapes wide,

holds the guileless moment

as a template for eternity.

There were no survivors.

Angels' wings in crescendo

beat the winter air, undoing

a tangled lacework of lies.

The stories we tell ourselves

to get by or go on from day

to distressing day. Silence

remains, then and now,

shelters the smithereens,

enfolds them in its cold embrace.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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