Out of Turn (Turkey Talk)

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Winter speaks before

Autumn's finished flinging

her swirling cape of leaves.

Onto muddy ground

snow insists on falling.

My turn! my turn! it says,

October a mere halfling,

woodshed's gaping

maw most alarming,

last year's slippers in 

dire need of mending,

pumpkin hulls mush

slurry orange slush,

Fall veggies reneging.

So soon? we question,

berating ourselves

all we've left undone.

Not much to show but

these half empty shelves

for a summer's singing

and lighthearted fun.

What were we thinking?

Dread wriggles in as


pries open root cellar door

of our sober imaginings.

Are these meagre stores

enough to last till Spring?

White foreshadowing

heralds cold cut days,

sky's low scrim netting

trees' prism-drop plays,

sparkling rainbow gems

remind us Sun's rebirth amends

our wincing, mincing ways.

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