Ceiling Can't Hold Us

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Cyanide sqirmed through the vents, earning a lungful of dust and a nose full of hate for her trouble. couldn't they make these things bigger so prisoners could escape easier? She kicked out anothe grate from beneath her, only finding another cell. Did this place ever end? 

Eventually, she found one with dim light shining through it. She pushed it open, and slipped out, into the streets of Battery City. It was cramped and dirty, just like their truck. She remembered it with a pang of nostalgia, which was stupid, because she'd only been gone for about a day or so. 

Sirens where going off quietly in the distance, making Cyanide-Princess vaguely certain that the others had arrived already. She glanced around, making sure she was alone, before she climbed up a narrow pipe on the side of a wall, and onto the roof of a low building.  

She glanced around, before bouncing off to a second roof, as stealthily as she could. which, unless you where looking directly at your feet, wasn't very. 

Time to find the rest of the idiots. 


"Alright, so the jails should be that way," bullet-Star jutted her chin out, pointing towards a tall, windowless building. They began walking towards it, Keeping as low a profile as they could with their, admittedly gaudy, hair.  

Bullet-Star walked the streets with a practiced ease. She remembered all the secret routes she used to take. It made her homesick for somewhere that no longer existed, no matter how much she wished it did. 

"Ok, The jails have a bunch of Police-Bots around it, so be careful," Bullet-Star hissed. She turned to face the other five. "We should probably split up though, since a huddled group of five people is gonna attract their attention." 

"Ok. I'll go with Planetary-Girl," The Kobra Kid volunteered. Figures.  

"Jet, you come with me?" Gun-Rose asked, getting a od from Jet. Oh, yes. That left... 

"You're with me then," Party-Poison smiled. Star nodded, internally shrieking. I got the hot one, I got the hot one, na-na-na-na na-na!/

They all branched off in their own seperate directions, staying as low profile as they could. 

This will be fun, Star grinned to herself. 


Planetary-Girl shuffled after Kobra-Kid, keeping a firm hand on her gun. Slowly, they crept towards a back entrance, that was flanked by Police-Bots. 

"How do we get in?" The Kobra Kid hissed, ducking behind a dumpster. Planetary-Girl followed, and motioned Kobra-Kid to stay still. She peeked above the dumpster, and balanced the muzzle of her gun just above it. 

"What are you doing? If you miss they'll go crazy!" Kobra whispered furiously.  

"I won't miss," Planetary-Girl assured him, taking steady aim. With three quick bursts, she picked them all off. "Go, before others come to investigate!" 

She raced to the door, and flung it open, barely waiting for Kobra to skid inside before she slammed it shut. They took a moment to catch their breath, Kobra staring at Planetary-Girl the whole time. 

"What?" She asked. 

"How'd you get those three all in one shot? That should have been impossible! You where at least ten yards away, plus you could only barely see above the Edge of the Dumpster. ot to mention it's a pistol, not a sniper rifle!" He almost yelled. 

"I never understood Sniper Rifles," Planetary-Girl said evasively, "They seem pointless." 

"Well duh, if you can aim that well," The Kobra Kid muttered. 

"Where do we go now? Should we try and find Star or Cyanide?" She asked, briskly changing the subject. 

"We should go find Cyanide and FG. Everyone else is probably going that way, so we can all meet up there," Kobra-Kid decided. Planetary-Girl nodded, although she was mostly looking at the way his cheeks where all flushed from sprinting to the door. 

They proceeded to creep down the hall, slowly padding through the rows of empty cells. Planetary-Girl motioned for Kobra to stop, and peered around the corner. 

"You shouldn't bother to check around the corner if your enemy is behind you," A familiar, gravelly voice chortled. They both whirled around, and where greeted with a paralyzing shot. "It's nice to see you again, Experiment 209." 


Rose threw her hands up in the air. "What was the point in splitting up if there's only two entrances to go in?" 

"I think we got forgotten because no one's in love with us," Jet-Star smiled. 

"Screw you, everyone loves me. Why the hell is there no back door?" Rose crossed her arms huffily, and kicked at the dirt. 

"Rose? Jet?" A confused voice resonated off the walls of the narrow streets, and caused The pair to jump. "How did you get here?" 

"How did we get here? Dude, you're supposed to be in jail!" Rose hissed. Cyanide-Princess neatly flipped off of the building she was practically hanging on, landing in front of them with a thump. 

"Can't contain this mess. Where are the others? did they die?" She asked, idle scratching her arm. 

"No, we split up, and they took the only two doors into the damn place," Jet explained. 

"Ugh, doors. So boring. Did you know they have a full-building ventilation shaft?" Cyanide-Princess grinned. Rose looked at her blankly, before stomping her foot. 

"No. No, no, no, no, and no. There's dust in there, and bugs, and darkness, and what if the secretly pump gasses through it?" She listed. 

"Hey man, I made it out alright," Cyanide pointed out. 

"Yeah, but you're you," Rose muttered. 

"I say we try it. I mean, it can't be that bad if she made it out OK. Plus, we don't even have to go in all the way to her cell, we can hop out just inside," Jet reasoned. Grudgingly, Gun-Rose nodded, still pouting. 

"Fine, off we go into a land of dust and dead stuff," Rose skulked. 

"Woohoo!" Cyanide cheered, and merrily skipped off to show them the entrance. 


Party-Poison was knelt in from of Bullet-Star, and despite the imminant danger they where in, it was kinda hard to focus on anything when a cute boy's butt was like, right there. She was absently staring at it, drool beginning to pool in her mouth, when he suddenly jerked upright. 

Rude. I was admiring it, She thought hotly, before realizing, hey, He'd moved and she'd better follow him. They had slipped through the door OK, but they where hidden inside the main hallway, making hard to go anywhere. 

They scuffled over behind another guard post, just as a Scarecrow wandered by. Bullet-Star listened in, catching a snippet of the conversation. 

"-And we found them in the desert. Not the leader though, just a subordinate." 

"I think they're going up to FG and Cyanide," Star whispered, tapping Party-Poison lightly on the shoulder. He nodded, and made a series of hand gestures that meant nothing to Star. She nodded anyway, to seem cultured or something. 

Silently, and painstakingly slow, they followed the Scarecrow, ducking behind Guardposts and benches as they went. He didn't notice them, even when he ducked into a dark cell. 

"I think that's where They are!" Star murmured eagerly. Party-Poison beckoned her to follow him, and they edged their way into the room. Immediatly, the door slammed shut, locking them in the cell. 

"Don't think I didn't notice you, little spies. You should really work on your stealth, by the way. I can hear your footsteps a mile away," A nasty voice snarled, making Star whirl around. On the other side of the door was the Scarecrow, grinning down at them. 

"Shit," Party-Poison said aptly. And, to be honest, there wasn't much else to say.

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