Dual Escapes

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As it would seem, Cell's are not meant to be comfortable. Cyanide-Princess was squirming, earning strange looks from FG, but there was no way she'd admit her butt was asleep. She watched the doors, ready to bolt as soon as someone walked by.

"You know we're gonna get interrogated," FG sighed. Cyanide nodded vigorously. "You know the drill? Say nothing?" Cyanide nodded again. Footsteps echoed around the corner.

Cyanide stood up, and ran to the door. The guards said nothing, just waddled on past. "What the hell?" Cyanide groaned.

"We're high priority. They'll just let us sit here until they get a Scarecrow in, then we'll probably just get ghosted," FG said. Cyanide made a noise of annoyance, and began to investigate the rest of the room. There was a grate above them. Good enough.

"Hey, gimme a boost," Cyanide asked. FG gave her a look.

"They'll find you as soon as you step outside."

"No they won't. Now, help me up."

"Fine, but you're just gonna end up back here." He grabbed her foot, an pushed her up into the air. Cyanide fiddled with the grate for a moment. "Hurry up! Youre heavy!"

"What a gentleman," Cyanide-Princess grumbled. She lifted one foot off of FG's hand. He made a suprised noise, but didn't drop her. Slowly, Cyanide back-bended until she was doing a hand stand. "I'm gonna need you not to drop me," She hissed, meeting FG's eyes. He nodded, still looking entirely perplexed.

Cyanide kicked at the grate, rattling it on it's hinges. Two more kicks knocked it in. Cyanide did an awkward flip so she was back on her feet, and climbed into the ventilation. FG was giving her a strange look, one Cyanide hadn't seen on him before.

"You wait here, I'll be back in a jiff," She decided, and crawled onwards.


Planetary-Girl wasn't particularly happy with the current predicament. She was surrounded by Porno droids, and Ok, that wasn't really the issue, but like....It kinda was.

"So, what have you bunch been up to lately?" Green asked, placing her chin in her hands.

        "You know. Defying major corporations, breaking into a city. The usual," Bullet-Star drawled. Apparently, Porno Droids can't detect sarcasm.

"Oh, That sounds amazing!" They all gushed. Gun-Rose blushed, and interrupted,

"Look, it's really great seeing you guys and all, and I really wish I could stay longer, truely, but our friends are in prison, and we really need to get the out..."

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Of course! Destroya wouldn't want us to keep you!" Red squealed. "I'll show you the back way out."

Planetary girl leaned towards Rose, and whispered, "Who's Destroya?"

"He's god, in the Graffiti Bible. They obey everything he supposedly said," Rose explained. They walked up a ramp, and Red popped open a hatch. Cautiously, they climbed out. Sirens where still blaring, but they where farther off in the distance.

Now to find the two idiots.

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