Chapter Twelve

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You wake up wondering where the fuck Chihiro is. Then you remember the events from the day before and proceed to bum yourself out.

"What's with the face?" You look up to find Koga doing pull-ups on a tree branch nearby and curl further into your blanket before you realize that it's his and throw it aside. The morning sunshine warms you enough to where you don't need it anyway, you reason. You're not a wimp, either.

"What face?"

"You look sad."

You quirk an eyebrow at him before moving to fold his futon and open your backpack for your Yoo-Hoo bottles. You say, "I'm not sad. I'm just a little... Confused, is all. A little ragged inside, a little worn down."

He frowns, and for a single shining moment you think it's for your well-being until you see that his eyes are on your hands. He very delicately asks, "The hell is that thing?"

You look down at your lap. The Yoo-Hoo bottles? You blink at them before looking up at him. "They're a beverage. You know, from the future? Well," you think on it for a second. "From the present for me, the future for you." You hold one out to him. "Want one?"

Surprisingly enough, he takes it, inspecting the bright yellow wrapping. "Is it..." He tilts the bottle in his hands and you both watch the drink inside slosh around. "Some sorta herbal sake?" His voice quiets to a mutter. "Dirt sake?"

"What - no! No. It's chocolate-flavored." You shake and open yours with a satisfying kshh. "See?" You take a blissful swig. "'S good."

He does the same, but stops to take a sniff before asking, "It's not... Fermented?"

You're surprised that he knows the word. You shake your head, laughing. "If the lack of alcohol content is really that much of a deal-breaker, I can take it back, Koga."

He holds it closer to him, yelping, "No! I'll drink it." He knocks the drink back and you watch as his face lights up at the taste.

You chuckle at him. "See? Good."

He sips at it, staring at you for a moment before asking, "We need to talk."

You frown into the lip of the bottle. "Are we not talking now? Had me fooled."

"You know what I mean! The whole... Goddess-thing." Your ego preens a little under the presumption that you quite literally may be a goddess before you can manage to squash it down. He helps you out there: "Amaterasu can be a real chore sometimes." Something flashes red within you and you clear your throat.

"I don't think she agrees with you there," you say.

"Of course she wouldn't."

Koga sits and begins to explain the complicated history between Amaterasu and himself, telling you that he and the goddess had been close many years ago and that they had traveled together for months before her host's rage-filled brother had appeared and the battle that ensued...

"You, uh - died, yeah. It was... Hard. He gave me this," he pulls at the strap holding his shoulder-guards on and it comes loose, revealing a nasty, puckering scar that pierces his shoulder straight through. He pulls the guard back up and secures it back into place with a sigh.

"Can she hear us? Amaterasu," he adds, for clarification.

You nod. "I'm fairly sure that she can."

"Damn. Tell her she's a cur."

You raise your eyebrows, unamused, and he flinches. "...Is that you or her?"

The Sight Of The Future: A Legacy (a Koga x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now