❝Stolen Hearts & Wasted Dreams❞

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I'd been sat alone almost all day, moping in my hotel room scrolling through Instagram. Tom and the rest of the gang were off filming, so I was left to entertain myself.

I placed my phone down on the pillow beside me and rested my head against the headboard. My head was racing to find something to do but nothing came to mind. I sat up, looking around the unfamiliar room and ran a hand over my face.

My phone buzzed beside me, making me turn. I picked it up and it was a message from Laura.

"Hey, Z. I heard about what happened and I really hope your ok! I'm supposed to be filming right now but I overheard that there's a group of people going down town to a club tonight, fancy joining us? Toms going 😉😂 anyways, stay strong queen and I'll see you later! ❤️"

My face lit up with a smile. I replied with a yes and that I was ok and to no surprise it was a while before she replied again. I put my phone down again and slipped off the bed and towards the closet. My eyes scanned the clothes until I found something suitable.

A black long sleeve turtle neck with navy blue ripped jeans and my black converse high tops. Yes yes, I always try and wear something nice for a big event, but I'm honestly not a huge fan of dresses. I only wear those for the red carpet.

I pulled the items off their hangers and placed them down on the bed, admiring them shortly. I prayed that tonight would go as well as planned.

After some time I headed down to the cafe where the cast usually met for their break. I took a seat at the large round table and all eyes fell on me.

"Hey how you doing?" Tony asked from across the table. Everyone looked concerned.

"Honestly I'm doing great, it couldn't really have been worse but I'm gonna stay for the rest of filming" I smiled. They all nodded and Laura pulled me into a side hug.

"If you need anyone I'm here for you ok?" She whispered gently above the conversations which alternated around the table. I nodded into her shoulder before she pulled away.

As I sat back, Toms eyes caught my own for a moment. We exchanged smiles and it was heartwarming more than anything. I didn't either consider what could happen on this trip, never mind what has happened. I'm happy with what me and Tom are now. If that is, whatever we actually are? Friends? More than friends?

I decided not to ponder on the though and enjoy the happy moment while it lasted.

"So, that party" Laura began, catching everyone's attention. Everyone being Myself, Laura, Tom and Tony.

"Yeah it's tonight right?" Tony asked. Laura nodded with a smile. "You coming?" Tony glanced my way and I nodded confidently. My heart beat quickened as the conversation continued but myself zoning out slightly.

The rest of the day proceeded as usual and now my palms were sweaty and my blood was racing around my body. I stood in front of a night club called 'Replay' and I was already a mess. The party hadn't even started. I checked my phone to see we had just over five minutes before everyone should start arriving.

"Zendaya" A voice called from behind me. I turned around to see Tom, his warm cheeks smiling at me as he got out of a car and paid the driver. Yet again I found myself flustered, my heart beating faster and faster with every step he took towards me. His hand locked with my own as he reached me.

"I uh, I've got something for you" he smiled, reaching into his back pocket of his jeans and pulling out a small silver bracelet. I tilted my head slightly confused as he handed it to me.

"What is it?" I smiled.

"A promise bracelet. I know you've had a hard time recently but I just really want you to understand that I'm here for you" he smiled, his cheeks lighting up into a faint crimson. My chest filled with butterflies, my arms finding themselves wrapping around his neck and embracing him.

"It's beautiful!" I admired the bracelet closely as we pulled away and slipped it onto my wrist. Sure enough it fit perfectly and slightly complimented my outfit.

"Matches you perfectly then"

My head lifted quickly, locking eyes with Tom. Before I could say anything, multiple cars began to pull up behind us.

"Lets go inside" I smiled, tugging Tom along with me as we walked up the steps and into the already foggy room. The music was playing lowly in the background and there were a few people already seated around the dance floor, drinks in their hands and looking flashy.

"Did I under dress?" I asked a little nervous as we continued passing multiple people. Tom slid his hand back into my own and have me a reassuring squeeze.

"Your in a night club, trust me they'll regret wearing heels later" he chuckled as he glanced at some of the girls who were wearing long dresses and heels.

"Yeah your probably right" I agreed and we took a seat at a nearby table.

A few drinks down the line and I was feeling a little tipsy. Many of my friends were too, including Tom who was prancing around next to me on the dance floor. The flashing lights and smoke were making me dizzy but with the added alcohol, it stole away all my worries.

As the music changed to a calmer beat, a little more spread out with less base, I felt a hand plant itself on my waist, slowing me down to a gentle rocking movement.

I looked forward for the first time since i'd been on the dance floor to see Tom inches away from me. My hand slid around his neck gently pulling him into me and our lips met. I didn't know if it was the alcohol or if I truly was just falling for this boy, but it felt like heaven.

His soft lips melted against my own as we began thriving for dominance on the dance floor, hands running along each others bodies. Tom pulled away from my lips, gently tracing down my cheek and towards my ear.

"You wanna get outta here?" he asked seductively, making my skin shiver and goosebumps run down my spine. I replied by kissing his neck gently and gripping his hand in my own before dragging him off the dance floor, through the long hallways and out into the night air. With the butterflies still raging in my stomach, it was hard to even control my thoughts about what was about to happen. Would it be something i'd regret? Or something I would enjoy a little too much...

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